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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brindi is now home!

I see that in the local paper that Brindi has been returned to Miss Frannie,I wonder if that really is in the best interests of the dog? History has shown that Miss Frannie refuses to follow the by laws of HRM,even after repeated warnings by AC.
Now Brindi was returned under strict conditions ordered by the court,one of which is the muzzle order,now if I recall that order was also given by AC before Brindi was seized 2 years ago;and not followed than; (but wait Frannie says it was an accident that Brindi escaped before she could get the muzzle on). Will there be another accident; I suspect so,and than there will be a very different outcome.

I am glad that Brindi is out of the pound,but am consurned in the long term,as there has been talk of Frannie fighting the muzzle order in the future,Hell I suspect that there will be lots of fights in the future,ie sueing HRM for court costs,and legal fees. I see that she is launching another fund raiser,wonder what this money will be used for.