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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sad but true

After having called Both the vet, Francesca claims has been treating (poor) Brindi for all kinds of imaginary diseases. I now must report that Brindi has been in good health ever since she entered the system. HRM is not into the animal abuse system and yes they do check on the dogs they have to put in a shelter to see if they are and remain healthy. In Brindi's case I have been told she has never suffered from any disease at all!
Funny that Francesca does admit that she owns tons of money to her contractor.

"I have phoned your HRM unit responsible for Brindi plus a internet fraud department? I got redirected to. I am waiting for them to contact me by e-mail so I can file out a form online to. Interesting, I appear not to be the only one from the US to have contacted them about this matter. The man I talked to a David I think it was, sorry I do keep notes but my Cat got a hold of that so now I only have half a note left, said, Brindi has not been sick at all. I have suggested to them they get on her page and look at all the different stories she has posted in order to scam money out of people."

Now what does that tell you? Yes she needed money fast, but not for poor Brindi.

Another very interesting snip is one of her friends or Francesca herself responding to someone asking for the truth:

""Patty Bellefontaine
who are you and what business is it to you what i ask or what i call her

January 20****
What would you like me to say? I don't know you, but there is one thing i do know, you seem to mind if I check things out on my own?

January 20Patty Bellefontaine
franchesica need to get rid of you before she loses her support"

Clearly that shows, Francesca does has something to hide!
Who has ever lost any support for telling the truth?

As for owning a ton of money:

"Francesca Rogier
Sorry, been out since mid-afternoon, in a snowstorm, getting gas, doing errands and stopped in to give a check to my contractor (to whom I owe a ton of money!) and his mom let me shower there and have a bite to eat, which was nice! So I just got home at 10 pm.

Well well well, that was right after a fund raiser!

People, you might as well stuff your money in a pit, there is no way your hard earned money is going towards Brindi, you are paying Francesca Rogier to keep scamming others. Please do your own checkup, I hate to see so many getting duped!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tall Tales by Brindi's Mom.

I found the following written by MS Rogier:

"DATELINE Fall 2010> The city of Halifax has taken extreme retaliative action against Francesca for her success in saving her dog.

They are colluding with a few nasty neighbors who helped them dupe Francesca into a trap to seize her dog a second time on September 27, 2010. These people and their allies are using false allegations to convince judges that she did not obey court conditions and even using illegally obtained recordings in their devious plan.

At the same time, the building officials imposed contradictiory and impossible demands on her that blatanlty obstruct her from finishing her long-awaited home renovation."

The above is pure BULL SHIT for the following reasons:

First the comment Fran Rogier makes about being duped by neighbours...the fact is that a small dog was being walked on a PUBLIC highway while on a lead in front of Ms Rogiers shack, Brindi jumped out of a car window ran on a PUBLIC highway and attacked the much smaller dog which as I said was on a lead. Now at this time (BY COURT ORDER) Brindi was to be muzzled when NOT on Frans property and further be on a lead,neither condition was met,as admitted to by Fran in her own words and were recorded on tape.The much smaller dog required medical attention for BITE marks,puncture wounds, there are photos someplace on the net to prove the injury. NO ONE is making false allegations other than FRAN HERSELF.

Now I comment on the following, "even using illegally obtained recordings in their devious plan."" I recall that quite some time ago one of Fran's puppets from SOUTH AFRICA called HRM and recorded the call and posted it on the internet,someone pointed out to Fran that, that was illegal, Fran or one of her clowns responded that "if one party knew it was being recorded its legal" which is correct. However in this case Fran calls the HRM call center which handles BY LAW ie Animal Control matters akin to a police department. 2 points come to mind,I think everyone knows a call to the police is and will be recorded,and as long as ONE party knows the call is being recorded it is legal. Why in Hell would Fran think otherwise?

Now about the so called house which I call a shack and the HRM building inspector forcing demands on her,well its little wonder the damn shack sat on stilts for at least 3 years,roof leaking,water pipes freezing,having to use electric stove for heat and septic not working.Its little wonder HRM removed her from unsafe living conditions,Fran is now allowed to live in shack after a foundation was placed and stilts were removed,however in Fran's own words roof still leaks,windows leak and pipes freeze shack is in bad repair;and to my knowledge no attempt by Fran has been made to repair. Now in all likely hood HRM will end up selling the shack because of liens they have on property,Fran will skip the country and we as tax payers will be left holding the bag.

The past while I have been attacked by Fran and her puppets about this blog,well its a free country so they can attack all they want,however my goal is to prevent anyone sending hard earned $ which in all likely hood many can't afford to someone who just wants to stir up shit,the woman can work,in fact does work, (a screen shot of her as translator is on this blog) if you will notice Fran has a German,USA bank account,and I know she also has a bank account in Canada, so bank accounts in 3 countries. Further you will note she charges 50$ an hour to translate,even though it is illegal for to work in Canada on a visitor visa, and yes it has been brought to the attention of Canadian Immigration,CRA and IRS. I won't even mention the paypal account and various other scams she has to raise $;its all there folks just do a google search....My suggestion is under no condition send Ms. Fran Rogier any money as it will be spent at a spa at mersey lodge.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Letter from Katherine Salsman, showing Francesca Rogier does lie to the ones who send her money!

All of you remember Francesca claiming she was not allowed to visit Brindi?Well, well, well, guess what, those were lies!

" Dear Ms. Rogier,
The decision of Animal Services to prohibit the photographs of Brindi was on the basis that photographs are not a part of a usual veternary exam, to our knowledge. However, if it is Dr. Lakin's practice to take photographs of her patients, then she should do so. We will leave it to her discretion whether or not photographing Brindi is necessary."

That also brings up another very interesting point, from what I read inbetween the lines it does kind of look like DR Larkin is getting payed by HRM does it not?So on the sideline, what is happening to the money followers of Save Brindi have donated?

"With regards to the incident on Christmas Eve Day, as Ms. Graham is an independent contractor who operates a private business, HRM can't require her to permit you on her private property. I can't comment on why she felt it was necessary to call the RCMP on the day in question as I do not know. I'd suggest arranging in advance, via communication with myself, if you would like to visit Brindi. Our previous offer to arrange for visits at the Homeward Bound Pound, with conditions, still remains open."

Clearly this shows without any doubt that Madam Rogier is allowed to visit Brindi providing she does follow conditions made.

"Brindi continues to receive the best care possible while in HRM custody. She is not left for any unusual periods of time that would place her in danger. In terms of speaking regarding Brindi's health, I'd prefer continuing our conversation via email and ask that you not attend at our offices this week as I will not be able to meet with you."

Yes well nobody in their right mind would think this poor soul was left alone without care for a great length of time I should think!

Francesca's comments:
Since my vet already had decided to take photos, the first paragraph is amusing. The second paragraph about the private business operator and HRM not being able to require this or that is, frankly, balderdash. For $650,000 a year, they'll do anything, quite obviously,

No, Madam Rogier, what is rather amusing is you twisting everything around for money!Sadly since you are not capable of telling the truth a lot of people fall for your crap stories without even thinking you lie to them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Letter to Francesca Rogier
My name is Lina Burkholder, whom you just recently removed, both from your friends list and from your save Brindi group without explaining why.
You now claim you don't know me, and I quote, "
Lina Burkholder
No, reply at all? Again please let me know what I have done to deserve this Francesca.

13 hours agoFrancesca Rogier
What have I done to deserve it? How did you even send me a message, when I have you blocked? Who are you really?"

Well the answer to that Francesca is easy, when I replied to you you did not have me blocked yet.

Who am I? I am and always have been who I say I am.

I have asked you why you threw me off your list and out of your friends list, "Lina Burkholder
How come you have thrown me out of your friends list and out of your group? I would appreciate an answer. I have been trying to help and be supportive for a long time now and this is how you reward me? Tell me please what have I done to deserve this?

How ever you did not even have the decency to reply!
So I asked you again, see above, then I got blocked by you and you pretended to not know me at all; hence, then who are you really?

Let me quote some more: "Francesca Rogier
Hi Lina,
Sorry, been out since mid-afternoon, in a snowstorm, getting gas, doing errands and stopped in to give a check to my contractor (to whom I owe a ton of money!) and his mom let me shower there and have a bite to eat, which was nice! So I just got home at 10 pm."

Would you like me to post the rest up to?
I do still have every conversation on FB we even had in my inbox.
Now I have some questions to ask you, you told me you are probably going to lose your house and I quote: "
Francesca Rogier
My house is slated to be auctioned off after June. I haven't managed to take any steps to deal with that yet. It's all built on a hoax."

Was that the real reason for your fund raiser, I understand you are in bad need of money but I can no longer believe that it is all for Brindi. You claim constantly Brindi is ill taken care of, but that one lady on your list claimed the opposite, so what is the truth?
Until you give me a very good reason for your behavior concerning myself, I can not help but think the ones you claim are making up lies are, in fact, or rather, have been telling the truth.
So who are you Francesca Rogier? a liar? an opportunist who sees easy money?
Me - I don't lie, I tell it as I see it; was that the reason you threw me off?
afraid I might stumble on the truth and post it?

I await your response!