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Monday, June 13, 2011

More lies as told by the biggest lier in NOVA SCOTIA.

I am getting quite pissed off,with the lies Ms. Rogier is constantly coming up with,to say nothing about her burden on, we Canadian citizen taxpayers.First it was her pissing match with HRM for 2 years over her dog being seized,(a dog she can't control). Rogier won the return of her mutt through the courts,only to have her mutt,attack another dog within 2 months of being released to her; result her mutt was seized again this past September and will probably be put down this time.

Now there is her house,(SHACK) which has been up on stilts the past 3 years,and is unsafe to live in,an eye sore to the local community,now this house is an heritage property (which fran destroyed. Ms Rogier claims that she got a grant from the Gov. to install new windows etc. (another lie), she received no funding as work was never completed,(we taxpayers saved $ there). HRM had to finally boot her sorry ass out of the shack as shack has been declared unsafe by engineers and building inspector,(sills rotten,unsafe stilts,exposed pipes,no heat,roof leaking,mold;the list goes on. Since she has been removed,(legally) and a fence put in place by HRM,Ms Rogier has been found in the shack at least 3 times by the police shack boarded up,locked by BY Law Rogier cut locks and re entered. Its all in the link attached.

Now the interesting bit,Rogier,has been in trouble with the law for 3 years,instead of getting off her fat ass and doing something to remedy the situation,she spends countless hours on Facebook and Twitter,spreading more lies. It is thought my many including myself that its to draw attention to herself,and suck, suckers into donating to her paypal account,which she so well splashes all over the internet,or could it be she just a media whore.


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