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Sunday, July 22, 2012



  1. Sorry to appear blunt, but what point are you trying to make?

  2. When you post with a name I will answer.

  3. I'm another anonymous, and I'm not FR or anyone associated with her. I don't post my name because of the emotional baggage that comes with this topic and I don't wamt to be stigmatized IRL.

    However, I too am curious as to the point of these two pictures. Why are they posted?


  4. Ok one reason the pics are there is because FR is begging for money all over the net,she was given a Gov. grant to fix her shack ,new windows etc; that was several years ago however other than a bit of cement for a foundation nothing else has been done,yes she bought windows or so she says,however during the last rain fall she was forced to place black garbage bags over them,would you like me to post those picts as well?

    The money FR is begging for is to appeal the latest court decision, I know that an appeal will be denied,as there are no grounds for it therefore the money will go towards much needed repairs and people don't seem to realize that.

    I hope that you realize that FR is highly educated and capable of working,however she has not done a stitch of work in over 5 yrs. Oh wait she has a web site where she charges 50 bucks an hour to translate.Now if that site is a failure there are many other jobs which she feels are below her but would allow her to repair the shack and than she wouldn't have to photo shop pictures to make things look better than they are.
    I have many more pics if you would like to see and can take pics on a daily basis if you prefer.
    Further its my BLOG and I don't have to explain anything.

  5. That's what I don't understand, DogLover. If she is posting pictures to make her house look as if it needs major work, why would she post one that has been photoshopped to look better, like the one you posted where it shows the back corner of the house being supported by cement instead of what it really is being supported by,,, the metal pole,,, ? If sshe's looking for donations to help her with her house, as it does say on her new fundraiser, why would she not post the photo with the metal pole instead? You are saying that the metal pole is what is there now, right?
    (posting as Anonymous for same reason stated by other anonymous LOL!)

  6. Metal pole is there as of 3 hours ago,if fr cal lie about that what else can she lie about?

  7. So the reality of it is that she posted the photoshopped photo of her house on the web page that she had to compare it to other houses in the area that she was saying were worse than hers, and that the city wasn't trying to demolish those. She wanted to show that her house looked better than theirs, and she did that by photoshopping her own to make it appear that way. If she would have posted the way it looks now with just the pole holding that corner up, it would not have served her purpose to well.

  8. If anyone can figure out fr let us know,the woman is a scammer,thats the bottom line.
    It pisses me off that she is able bodied,yet resorts to begging,let her go to down Halifax with a tin cup,people are giving her $ that they can ill afford to part with.
    With fr its all about her,she could care less what happens to brindi,or any other dog in N.S. She lost Brindi as a meal ticket,now she will use the shack as a meal ticket,I could care less if it fell down around her ears,actually its not far from that now,roof shot,windows shot,and just an eye sore.Shack is not worth fixing as it would cost well over 75,000$, further there are judgements against her for close to that amount.

  9. She hasn't lost Brindi as her meal ticket quite yet, because she still has til August 1 to file notice that she will appeal. If she does that, then HRM can't proceed with any assessment or with any effort with finding Brindi a home, right? They would have to wait until August 1 to see what she will do or not do. So if she tells her "army" that she notified the court of her appeal, then everyone can then think they're pitching in for that cause. But in reality, all that will be accomplishing is keeping Brindi in the pound or in the kennel, or wherever it is that she's at, and Brindi will just languish there once again for as long as it takes for this to drag out in court again. She'll never get her dog back in the end, and she knows it. She's saying this way it's at least keeping Brindi alive, for a while longer I guess. Saying she has no choice because HRM will be killing Brindi, that's what they've wanted all along, you can't deny that. And while they wait for the actual appeal to begin, people can donate money for all her "legal fees" and keeping her home from falling over so she can keep working on her "appeal". She'll drag it out to the end while Brindi sits in the kennel for another what? another year? while she collects money to work on her house, and not the appeal. Who'll know the difference. If there is actually someone out there who is in the position to adopt her, in the side lines, will that screw up that person's chances of getting Brindi, if Francesca goes ahead and files an appeal? Can the next judge just order HRM to forget about rehabilitating and just go ahead and kill her? If HRM could just come out and say that Brindi will be rehomed, then no one would stand by her if she appealed. Because they know she wouldn't win. And they would not want an appeal to go forward. They would want Brindi out of the pound and into a new home. Not sitting there another year, for nothing.

  10. I have a question. If the woman decides to appeal will that tie HRM's hands for rehoming Brindi or will HRM be allowed to at least put Brindi in a foster home while the court proceedings drag on! Would Brindi have to stay at the city pound during the whole thing or would she be able to continue staying with the Grahams? I agree with the last person who posted a comment above. HRM could at least announce that their primary goal is to rehome Brindi, contingent on favorable assessments of course. That way, most of her supporters especially the new ones, would be totally against her going ahead with an appeal! They would demand that she drops the appeal. Francesa has convinced them that HRM is poised to kill Brindi after August 1 and the only way to halt that is to file an appeal. If HRM made an announcement to calm everybody down, they would demand that she stops the appeal. They would not want Brindi to spend another unnessary day in the pound! If any of you are in contact with HRM please talk to them about this.

  11. To original question: apparently HER pic was half-house as is, half rendering to show Dangerous & Unsightly Building Committee when she was fighting demolition. She convinced them. THAT time.

    Given the appearance of ONE SLIM POLE supporting half the kitchen and hurricane season coming up, I'd say it's time someone called HRM and the committee took another look. There are KIDS in that neighborhood who might, as kids do, wander in there out of curiosity when she is out. Or asleep which is all morning.

    This time she should stick to the truth because they already know it. LAST time the inspector was there she told him it (entire bottom of house) has been "exposed" to the elements ONLY 4 months. Naturally, he checked with knowledgeable people and learned it was OVER TWO YEARS. Lying is not working any more.

    WHERE IS DANGEROUS & UNSIGHTLY COM. NOW?? If that doesn't fit the bill I don't know what would. One thin pole holding up half the kitchen wing!!! DAMN.
