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Friday, February 26, 2010


I can no longer stand by and let all the untruths continue. All one has to do is look at the COURT documents to see who is telling the truth and who is not. The OWNER has an axe to grind and is willing to say anything to get people on her side.

What she calls a minor incident is not what the Supreme Court of N.S. calls it. Just google Francesca Rogier and the Supreme Court decision will come up.


  1. Congtats: its about time trhe other side was heard,how one person can tie up the legal system for almost 2 years is beyond me. Nobody Important has had her say now its time for the rest of us to speak.
    The one thing that stands out in my mind is that the Owner of Brindi was advised by the SPCA that there would be no pictures or videos of her visits with Brindi.....Well lo and behold what does she post but not one but 2 videos of her visits,proving that she can't live by the rules. Now release Brindi to her with conditions how long will they be followed??? May I suggest not to long leading to a death sentence for Brindi;because of a un responsible dog owner.

    I suggest that she buys a pet rock.

  2. What this " woman" ( and I use that term loosely ) don't understand is that even the first time or second time that should have been a wake up call. She had many chances to fix the problem. She was given a break with not even having fines, just warnings. Most people don't get that. She brings up all the other cases about their dog not taken, or just a fine or whatever. APPLES AND ORANGES. She could have been charged with 4 counts of running at large, 3 counts of her dog attacking another dog ( don't need to be injuries), no tags, failure to comply with a muzzle order. So count those charges.. that is NINE charges she could have had. Lets not forget the lady that was knocked down because Brindi was trying to get her dog. That could have been another charge. Oh but wait, HRM / AC / SPCA / and everyone else who is not patting her on the back is just trumping up things because we are against her. Yeah right, like she is that important that AC could just know where she lived and set out to get her even before the first call came in. Over-flated ego if you ask me.

  3. You mean all those comments/blogs etc. are really written as Ms Rogier as someone 'other than herself'? Has she always impersonated others to get her point across?

    I have trouble believing that people believe her....or is she simply playing on their sympathies by playing videos of her poor dog? She probably has bones in her pocket or something.

    I really hope the dog is re-homed to someone who will make sure she is both properly taken care of and not a threat to other animals.
