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Thursday, May 27, 2010

A poor dog locked up because of a careless owner!

OK its been a while since I have posted,however I now have my blood pressure up. I have been following a twitter by one Fran Rogier,whinning and crying about her poor dog,which is "HER PROPERTY";in other words her dog is material things which we toss in the garbage when its worn out or we are tired of it.
Now she is suggesting that her buddies send artifical dog poop to HRM,because the justice system in N.S. is artifical...unreal ...in my opinion.
Fran has drug this on for almost 2 years ....WHY....it all boils down to her stupidy,its common knowledge that AC were at her door 4 times about her "PROPERTY". I see that she hasn't posted that her "PROPERTY" knocked over one lady or attacked a dog that is a hearing aid dog. Its to friggin bad that she couldn't speak the truth and provide all details for once.
Now to top things off she is "DEMANING" to see her "PROPERTY"; the Judge ruled that Miss Priss was guilty of 3 counts,the Judge also was willing to give her "PROPERTY" back under certain conditions.
Bottom line in my opinion is that Frannie could care less about her "PROPERTY" and now it has all about her, I see that she is still calling for her suckers to send her money. Its become a way of making an income for someone that abuses the system. All I can say is live by the rules;know the rules in Nova Scotia,( this is not the USA or Germany) and problem is solved. If not go the Hell back where you came from we do NOT want any more leaches here at tax payers expense.
Now I will await for the word that she will sue me....LOL....For expressing my opinion....Bottom line I am sick of this IDIOT and her Bull Shit.


  1. Your opinion is worthless, Ms. Gail Gallant. If only you had your facts straight... AC was at the door TWICE about dog attacks and the next time they just took Brindi. MAke up your mind: is Brindi dangerous or not? She didn't knock over a lady; the women banged into one another and she lost her balance. She didn't bite the hearing aid dog; there is no evidence for it and the judge said that too in court.
    Where is Francesca asking for money? Nowhere.
    Where are you full of it? Everywhere. We're amazed you still have your job.

  2. Dogs ARE property under the law. You don't get the significance; you should shut up.

  3. Let me begin by saying Gail Gallant DID not write the last post;yes dogs are property under the law its common knowledge;my point is that the stupid bitch keeps yapping about HER property. Her damn property is now the property of HRM.The reason the dumb bitch doesn't have her property is she doesn't know how to care for her property.
    Miss Priss allowed her property to abuse other peoples property until AC was forced to take action.
    NOW YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Further if you want to see where the BITCH is asking for money go read her blog and her bull shit on her facebook group.

  4. My job ( at least I work ) has nothing to do with anything. As the poster said about, I NEVER WROTE ANYTHING LIKE THAT. So before you keep spouting off with stupid lies as usual, best to STFU.

    I have no problem putting my name to anything I say. You... that's different, you don't have the balls ( more ways then one ).

  5. Anonymous,you ask where Miss Priss is asking for money,well drum roll....here you go.

    ""Francesca Rogier About 20 people made donations over the weekend and up to today - thank you so, so much!! I have maxed out all my credit cards and any and all help is really appreciated!Monday at 1:31pm · Flag"""

    I said it before and will say it again that she is a leach on society.

  6. I say send the stupid bitch back to where ever she came from,what a damn leach!!!
