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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time to UPDATE.

Well as we all know Frannie has lost her dog ....AGAIN.....Why? because of her careless actions,Brindi was under a leash and muzzle order buy the courts yet she desided to ignore the court order, leaving animal control no choice but to act. It becomes obvious that Fran knew she was in the wrong as she locked the doors and hid in the so called house.Leaving the Ac and police no option but to break in. BTW there are lots of witnessed to the above.
Than HRM finally had enough with her house situation sitting on Jack posts for 4 years and declared it unsafe,and after removing her secured the building or should I say shack now what does Frannie do .....Hang on she goes begging for a place to hang her head at least 3 people took her in what does she do???? Well how about a start Fran desided to run all 3 households till finally asked to leave. or was booted out...take your pick.
Now lets go back a bit...Frannie was ordered out of her house by HRM....now what does she do bot get a step ladder,and sneek in through the basement...Really its reported on CTV and the local paper...check it out.

Now for some reason Frannie is pissed at this blogger,and reported it to the RCMP,now that was a giggle as the RCMP have a file so thick on her it takes 2 people to carry it.
One line that Fran loves to use is she fears for her safety,LOL must of read some law but has no understanding of how it works, now I see that she is pissed at the neighbours driving by and blowing their horns.....NOW CAN YOU BLAME THEM?...nothing illegal about that.

Now with the mid Eastern situation frannie is on her twitter 24/7 demanding more protests,well since she likes protests so much,I suggest that that there be a protest in front of her shack next month,so lets make up signs ....something like YANKEE GO HOME.
In the mean time lets call the IRS and have them check the history of her PAYPAL,the last I heard she sucked people in for well over 50,000 not bad for a leach.

Now there will be another call from the RCMP about her complaint as she is fearful of her life because of this blogger........Well its my blog and its my opinion which is my right by canadian law.


  1. I have it from a very reliable source that she was booted out of those 3 homes and the cops had to be called to do it, the 'lady' does not take direction well.
    I also understand she is the worst house guest possible, staying up all night making noise, eating and DRINKING everything in sight and when she leaves so does a lot of the homeowners property.

  2. I here she likes her wine,and likes to eat fish,however calls herself a VEGAN.....JUST MORE BULL SHIT. I hear her prefered seafood is scallops.

  3. Hi, what is the purpose of this Blog ? It smacks of bullying. It is very sad that Brindi is paying for having had such an irresponsible owner. Clearly this woman is not "all there".

    Once that's said, why blog about her personal life and failings except because you don't like her ?

    By all means defend dogs like Brindi but don't allow such nastiness take over your life.

    Life is short. Go out for a walk. Enjoy the sun. Be well.

    Let it go.



    Eastern Passage, NS

  4. As long as she continues to lie to the world in order to fund her life style, we will be here to refute her. Brindi means nothing to her. She refuses to even visit her much beloved dog, but still continues to try and collect on her pay pal account.

    What is she doing with the money? Not paying her lawyers, obviously.

  5. Why blog about her personal life? Well lets see, she has put her personal life out there to get pity donations. Claiming it is always someone elses fault that her home is the way it is and had to be evicted from it. Claiming the other dog attacked Brindi when in fact was the other way around. If frannie was honest, Brindi would be out and in a safe responsible home living out her golden years. There is many other things that she lies about and getting people to give their hard earned money or from their meager SS checks.
