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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy 782 East Chezzetcook road!

Well the time has come,Fran or SFB as I like to call her,has been a leach of Canada and Nova Scotia for much to long. Her dog about to be put down,her shack about to be seized...I am sure there is a long list of creditors. However the Bitch is now interested in occuping the world....LMAO. Well what is good for the goose is good good the gander. Therefore I would love to occupy the above residence this month,or before November the 8th....so lets rock......and occupy....me friends all know my e-mail so please advise what date is good for you,I will make signs and provide a free lunch......... Cheers............


  1. I will be there and I have a number of friends to bring with me.
    I just love this 'occupy' idea. It is catching on all over the world.

  2. Well, now let's think about this! I'm with you in spirit sure enough--but I need to know more details. (Very good that you will provide a lunch--because I surely wouldn't want to eat anything prepared in that kitchen where dishes are washed semi-annually!!)

    I'm wondering about Hazmat suits--the ones with attached boots. Yanno--to walk thru those Floating Organics.

    PortaPotties? I think there will be a LOT of people who want to express their heartfelt feelings for & about Fran Rogier so I doubt one will be enough. (NO ONE is going to go near the bathroom in there--with her having apparently forgotten the need to FLUSH after 3 winters of using the bushes out back. The door should really be nailed shut to prevent someone from innocently wandering in.)

    When in November is Inspector from Health Dept. coming?

    I'm thinking also of what a pigpen that place is--even when she knew she'd be making a video of Brindi's (brief) 'homecoming' she couldn't be bothered to get the dirty clothes & junk off the furniture. Guess she's used to living that way, but it could be pretty depressing for people accustomed to clean, more appetizing surroundings. I’ve seen other pics of the interior & it isn’t everyone who’s prepared to occupy a place that’s only a notch above a Calcutta slum dwelling. The Occupy Wall St. gang is at least outside. With 782 E. Chezz Rd, she’s even trashed & polluted the outside. I mean that’s why HRM had to build that fence for her, right?

    Couldn’t we just persuade HER to go down to Wall St.? Don’t tell me she’s going to write a brief for Court next month. Why bother to show up at all? They didn’t need her “story” to seize Brindi after they heard the tapes & they won’t need her in Court after they play them there.
