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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SFB Seems to know it all.

Well I see that SFB got herself in more hot water,guess someone seen her sneeking in and out of her shack to have a shower or to use the shitter,I wonder what part of evicted she doesn't understand?
Well in case one is wondering who SFB,(SHIT FOR BRAINS) is; well its the most hated woman in Canada....yep you got it Fran.
Now it appears that she is an expert on Canadian politics,and refers to the latest winners of the election as the tea party,who in fuck does she think she is? She is a guest of this country,citizan of the USA; what business is it of hers who is in power in Canada.But of course she is an expert or so she thinks, on politics in the middle east,Africa,and I assume the Moon.Did I mention that she even is pissed that USA troops shot the lad that master mined the attack on her homeland on 9/11,I guess she would of liked it if this killer was given a metal,like I said SFB.

Now there is the case of her dog which she claims to love so much,however just uses to attract media attention to herself. After being found guilty of 3 charges of HRM bylaws,in a CANADIAN court of law and got her dog back,....(which was not good for the dog)as was proven in just 2 months.....Yep her dog attacked again injuring another dog on a lead,this time there are pictures,and several witness. The result her dog she claims to have loved so much in sure to be put down because she couldn't live by a few simple rules or should I say Canadian laws.
SFB claims to be almost a PHD,yep almost,and a former Prof,of some small 2 bit university in the USA and Germany,however she couldn't build a button for a shit house door.I can say that as she couldn't keep her dog in her house or under control.

Back to the shack.... I see she now doesn't have a key to enter her shack,and is bitching about her tools being locked up inside including her ladder,which she was using to enter the dump. SFB was warned that she was being watched,hell it was even in the media that if anyone seen her inside to call HRM....well WE did call,in fact over a dozen calls were made,reporting her, its our civic duty to report people who break the law in Canada.However SFB doesn't seem to get it or is it that she thinks about herself as being above the law in her guest country. Now her shack is boarded up,fence around it, locked so legally she has no access; dog in jail,soon to be put down. Yet its everyones fault but hers.

People who abuse the system piss me off and SFB is a classic example,and I think its high time that she moved on .....or just moved ...period.


  1. Well ... It just keeps getting worse for you doesn't it Fran????  You can't seem to follow ANY rules whatsoever!  Then you have the audacity to blame others!  Don't you ever take responsibility for anything?  NOPE guess not.  You should get in the Guiness Book for being the stupidest woman alive.  They didn't give you the key to the new padlock on the gate because you can't be trusted to not try and break your way in again!  Do you honestly think you should have a key to get back in there and pull the same shit of breaking into that shack when ordered not to?  Your windows are boarded up for the same reason.

    You do realize what's about to happen don't you???  YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE THAT HOUSE!  hahaha
    It couldn't happen to a more deserving bitch than you!

  2. Be pretty depressing if she DID buy another ladder and get in--with all the windows boarded up.

    Are those 24 custom windows still in storage with that Nice Lady? Is she paying? Chezzetcookers know there ARE more outstanding claimants that she admits. Wait till HRM starts collecting. They will just take title to the dump.

    How's the injunction going? Well, it's something to DO for the Perry Mason of the Eastern Shore. Good thing the ombudsman will talk to her--no one else will.

    Oh--how did dear dear Robert Riley feel about hearing he drinks so much he is "useless." Does he still come at your beck and call? Someday even HE is going to wise up!

  3. speaking of .....ROBERT RILEY...he must have forgotten how to type,,,,i haven't seen a peep from him..anywhere,,,when you go south ,take him with you,,,and leave hi in the BAYOU....

  4. Glad HRM is taking action to protect the rights of other dogs, the public and the neighbors.

  5. About bloody time, IMO.

    Has she learned her lesson yet about pushing people around? They CAN and Will push back at some point.

  6. And they can push a hell of a lot harder than she EVER imagined--in her worst nightmare. Looks like karma has come home knocking at her door--oops, she doesn't HAVE a door to call her own any more. Or a dog. When she had both she should have STFU!
