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Friday, May 6, 2011

Twit,Tweet,Twitter dedicated to SFB

Twit in the morning
Twit in the evening
Twit all night long

I love to twit as it rhymes with teat of which I have 2
I twit about my period...I know all mt twit friends like to hear that.
I twit about issues that don't involve me.
I twit about the Middle East
I twit about how much I hate Nova Scotia.
I twit about my lovely shack.
I re-twit about shit I have no idea whats its about.
I twit about the legal system in HRM...I think everyone in HRM is a twit.
I twit about a fence.
I twit about lawyers...they all twits to.
I twit about the media and their lack of twits...or is it teats?
I twit about the SPCA....lots of teats there...oops twits.
I twit about twitters,some give me the shivers...
I twit that I want to be left alone.....but keep twittering.

Now I seriously am looking for a group like AA,but is for twits,...Ya TA....(hello my name is; Shit For Brains), I am a Twit. I need help,I can't stop being a twit,I twitted my dog away,my shack away,my money away,but still have my wits and teats.....I need help,before I lose my wits and teats,help me to stop being a twit.