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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Keep pushing Fran! AKA Lina Burkholder

Pre-emptive letter to prosecutor re Christmas stocking for Brindi, RCMP

From: Francesca Rogier

Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 20:59:12 -0400

To: Katherine Salsman

Conversation: Please tell Christine Graham not to send the RCMP to harass me/request meeting now

Subject: Please tell Christine Graham not to send the RCMP to harass me/request meeting now

Dear Ms. Salsman:

It was wholly unnecessary for Ms. Graham, operator of Wyndenfog Kennels, to send the RCMP to my door to harass me for knocking on her door on Christmas Day at about 5:30 in the afternoon and leaving a stocking stuffed with treats for my dog, Brindi.

Ms. Graham cannot accuse me of anything other than that, and last I heard, it is not a crime, nor legitimate grounds for any ban. Delivering a Christmas gift usually does not require advance notice. I did not break in, I did not stay for any length of time.

I did not see anyone taking care of the place either. In fact, I was very concerned that no one was at home, because that means no one was looking after my dog yesterday. Not only does it pain my heart to see that Brindi was all alone on Christmas, but it was a very cold day and I worry that Ms. Graham turned the heat down or even off when she left. I wish to know exactly how long she leaves Brindi unattended on a daily basis. Can you please provide this information within a week’s time?

In the meantime, please instruct Ms. Graham that I am Brindi’s owner, not her, as she told the RCMP officers. This is totally incorrect. It concerns me to hear such misinformation being spread. I advise as well that she cease using law enforcement authorities for such purposes. It happens that Ms. Graham operates at least two if not three types of businesses at that address. She is surely accustomed to people coming to her door. I do not appreciate two officers visiting my home on Boxing Day or any other day, for no good reason. It was clear from their demeanor that they felt the same. Should she or you consider a PPA or accuse me of trespassing, I am prepared to defend myself in court. I welcome the chance for a court to review the circumstances of HRM’s indefinite detention of property. And since HRM tax revenue is paying for the use of Wyndenfog for this purpose, it certainly has a bearing on the matter.

Finally, my utmost concern is Brindi’s health, and your decision to forbid Dr. Larkin from photographing her is deeply troubling. I cannot imagine a legitimate reason for this sudden change. I wish to meet with you about this as soon as possible.

Francesca Rogier
Report · 2 hours ago

Loretta Levinson likes this.
Lina Burkholder I tried giving them a call but nobody answered, if anyone else wants to try: 902-827-5073 . I did not see an e-mail address.
2 hours ago
Lina Burkholder ps, if you do get someone, don't say your calling to support Francesca, just say your part of Brindi's fanclub or something like that.
2 hours ago


  1. I most certainly am not posting under a false name. I don't know what your problem is but would like to see you take that back! Thank you!! I did try calling that phone number and got nobody. I don't live in Canada I live in Kansas.

  2. Who are you anonymous? You sound like a brain washed pup to me......Have a great day.

  3. I'm looking for Wayne Croft. Doing a story on Brindi and Francesca Rogier. Would like to do a short interview with you.

    Jordan Parker

    You can find me on Facebook. I'm in the Save Brindi group. Just a few minutes would be appreciated.

  4. Who are you Mr Parker,who do you work for? I suggest you ask anything you want in this Blog I am sure Mr. Croft will see it and if he is interested he will get back to you.

  5. A reporter who can't find a source?? Hummmmm

  6. Well, OK--I'll accept that Other Anonymous is from Kansas. MOST of Fran's supporters are from far far away from Nova Scotia. Some couldn't find it on a map! The ones in Nova Scotia know her well. Go ahead and contribute Kansas--she needs new suckers who don't know her story!

  7. Right back at you Ms. Burkholder:

    ""Lina Burkholder My husband just send him a note since I used the anonymous reply option to write back and called me a confused pup. He did take of some of his more nasty remarks, as far as I can tell. But he is either in your list under a false name or has someone mailing him the comments made. Which ever one is right, I think that is an act of a coward. He does not sound all that intelligent, just notice what he has for interests if you click on this dog lovers profile: " Fishing, eating especially red meat.My Dogs." That could be read as, he likes red meat, hence eating his dogs! Wow that's some dog lover!!! In any rate one thing is for sure, he most certainly is not man enough to post up an apology. And that to me says all. So Mister Dog Lover Sir or Mister Dog Lovers spy, I suggest you get your act together.""

  8. Hey Dog Lover, how come you don't attack this other Anonymous poster, cause you are it yourself or is it because without a name you know who that is? Strange you did not allow my husbands post so far. Yea she needs, as you call it, new suckers, to try to help. If you are such a Dog Lover, how come, no matter what you think of the owner, you make no attempt to save Brindi? Cut the chitchat what has that dog ever done to you?
    Lina Burkholder

  9. All comments will be put on board,if we don't see them we can't put up. There are several authors on this blog,and no one has seen note from Hubby,if we do it shall be posted.

  10. Several authors? You make them up, too? Or are you suffering from MPD? Kind of sounds like you are. Would you all like some help dealing with that? I would be glad to assist!
    Lina Burkholder
