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Monday, April 26, 2010

donations could be helping the homeless or abused

It sickens me, truly sickens me to think about all the money donated to one particular cause that could be put to so much better use on helping the homeless or the ill or the abused. People who haven't chosen to be in the predicaments they are. I can only hope and pray the people donating can see that their money is being wasted and can whole heartedly go to bed at night not wondering if their money could have really been making a difference in someone's quality of life. By quality of life, I do not mean taking someones hard earned money and spending it on pampering oneself while others are in such distress. Pleeeease people, wake up!


  1. I donate to 2 regestered charities,the cancer society and the SPCA,Fran got a few bucks out of be in the very beginning ,but no more.

  2. Some if not all of the donations should also be given to SPCA but we all know that will never happen!
