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Saturday, September 29, 2012

OMG.....More crap!

WELL Frannie I just sat through your most recent u tubes crap,where you claim everyone is wrong ,including the Judge,of course you are always right.Accidents my arse you can't control your ex mutt or follow the rules; like laws,have you a clue......I doubt it!

How about showing some respect to the laws of CANADA,and stop making up your own excuses, you are doing nothing to save Brindi,in fact you are pissing people off and at this point many people that cared could care less..........sad part people that tried to save Brindi.....now could care less if the mutt was put down tomorrow.......WHY...because of you....

I haven't reached that point yet bet pretty close......Now go back and try to get some more money out of your suckers,as its all about you,you couldn't care less about your ex mutt.

Go see some shrink you have serious issues,,than call your mommy and get some money to haul your sick sorry arse back to the USA....WE don't need trash like you here.



  1. Sounds like she's going to go for the 2 days in court and not the 1. If she does it could go well into 2013! How cruel is that! Christine Graham if you're reading this please don't give up on Brindi. I know you are super super busy and tired of all this FR BS. But if you could work on training Brindi, especially when it comes to her reaction or interaction with other dogs, her territorial issues, it might help ensure that she would pass any test that HRM might give her when the time comes. I think FR is hoping that HRM comes up with a bad assessment. The longer she keeps her in the kennel by appealing, the less chance she thinks Brindi will be able to be rehabilitated. The less chance she'll have of passing the assessment. She is constantly taunting them to come up with a bad assessment, telling them they failed to win their case, "#Fail" It's like she's egging them on to kill her. Reverse psychology. She knows she Brindi will never be returned to her. She knows any chance of financial support from tweeters and facebookers will stop completely if Brindi is finally freed and rehomed. So no matter how insane this woman appears to be, it's not Brindi's fault. Brindi didn't adopt HER. She didn't ask for her. Please if it is at all possible, help Bri pass "the test" that HRM would be giving her. There is no reason to have her killed.

    1. Hang in there BRINDI, Chris and Derek. If there are no other delays the appeal is scheduled for this Thursday and Friday. Let's hope HRM has been preparing to find her a permanent loving home and companions with whom she can live out a very fulfilling and satisfying life.

  2. With any luck she won't be able to get a 2 day appeal as they don't re-try the case. She knew on Wed. she wouldn't be able to get out of bed in time to go to court to ask for the two days, so now she has to wait another two weeks. This is totally appalling and disgusting. She displays again no compassion for the injured dogs and claims owner's have no right to assume their dog won't be attacked. No wonder HRM HAD to do something with an owner like this.

  3. To Anonymous above me: but hrm did not have to do what they did to Brindi. They did not have say that Brindi needs to be destroyed. There was no need for that at all. Not for the first time they took her and not for the second time either. There has never been any reason for Brindi to be killed. Why would they want to do that? You don't kill a dog that doesn't deserve it just as an additional penalty for a law that its owner broke.

  4. Very few people really piss me off,any more than Ms Rogier,I have never met such a selfish person in my life,this whole issue is and never was about the dog,its all about her.She came to Canada about 5 years ago,bought a shack,which was in poor condition,and had great plans to fix it up,,,,,joke.....she only made it worse now its a total mess.She claims she has no money to hire a lawyer,so pray tell me how is or was she about to pay to repair shack? I suspect the answer is....stiff everyone that works for her.
    Now she is begging for $ from all over the world,telling everyone that its for court costs....BS...its so she can go to some spa for a few weeks I suspect.
    I watched her u tube crap twice more today she said something about its not a right to walk on a public roadway...Gee this must be china.She went on for an hour about the court system and how awful it is here,well with the crap she was spewing I can well understand why she lost in court In fact I surprised the Judge didn't just toss her out; She can appeal all she wants,but hasn't got a hope in Hell of winning.
    Now whats with her wanting 2 days booked for the appeal? Its an appeal not a re trial further its not a murder case, I think she just loves to file lots of paper with the courts,which is really the only good thing she has done in Nova Scotia....It helps keep the pulp mills open......

  5. I knew Fran's attitude reminded me of someone for a very long time & I just couldn't place it...OCTOMOM. Yep, they are cut from the same cloth IMO.

  6. This is crazy. The losers are the dogs here, not the uninformed (and I apologise, but 'yes' the unintelligent folk) that bought from these people. It takes all kinds, and yes it would be nice to educate everyone to *do* proper due diligence before purchasing an animal...but not everyone is willing to listen and learn. As an example - look at Francesca Rogier - there's a fine example (sic) of an animal owner - (education made NO difference)- she was unable to follow ANY of even the 'simplest of rules' imposed upon her. But I digress, this isn't about her but more that many many many people don't have the good sense to inform themselves before acting.

    People PLEASE: Do Not buy from the back of somebody's car, do not buy when the puppies are clearly too young and/or sickly and Do not hand over 100's of dollars to people with ads posted on kijiji. Just my 2 cents.
