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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fran checking in to see if she can get her ass out of this situation.


September 16, 2010 zero hours 31 minutes 44 seconds


Michelle: HRM dispatch

Francesca: Michelle?

Michelle: yeah?

Francesca: is that Michelle Steen?

Michelle: it is.

Francesca: hi, it's Francesca.

Michelle: hi.

Francesca: do you know what happened?

Michelle: no why?

Francesca: if you go on the Herald... you won’t believe this, okay?. Those people reported me at eight, like you know actually it happened after nine, around 9:05 but they reported it to the RCMP.

Michelle: why did they do that?

Francesca: I don't know but they put in the report before I did.

Michelle: right.

Francesca: and it got into the paper. It's in the papers. They posted an article in the Herald at 5: 40 today.

Michelle: they must have found out who you were.

Francesca: and, well, here's the thing. When I went back to my house, you know I left -- -- inaudible [1:00] -- --, when a went back to my house, I don't know if I mentioned to you there was a squad car in front of my house and the guy got out and said to this cop that he had a rock in his windshield or something.

Michelle: yes

Francesca: and it was right then, it was like, and she had her lights on and she was parked right in front of my house and I thought she was coming for me.

Michelle: right

Francesca: now if I had spoken to her before I talk to you I would have told her the whole truth, right?
Michelle: yeah.

Francesca: so anyway I left there, I kind of like snuck off to the left to get back to the car where Brindi was... but I don't understand. See they're not following protocol.

Michelle: are they coming for Brindi?

Francesca: huh?

Michelle: are they coming for Brindi?

Francesca: I don't know.

Michelle: but there's no report in the system here at all.

Francesca: there's no report because these people called the RCMP and the RCMP went out. They answered the call. They didn't refer to animal control. And they decided to come right away. And there was no urgency. There is no like, and the article in the paper implies that the dog was all injured and everything. But it doesn't say, you know, it says they took it to the vet. It says it might have wounds and they might be doing photos. They say nothing about actual injuries.

Michelle: oh my God.

Francesca: and it's just the worst. It's the fucking worst. And I get a call... so here's the thing. I am talking to you, I talked to Susan Jordan, I talked to the trainer this morning and I didn't tell her I had already reported it. I told her I was thinking about it and the whole thing. I just didn't want her, you know, we were trying to work it out. Come on, Brindi. Get in the car. And you know and then I saw everything. And Susan's going just don't report it, just wait a day. If they haven't reported so far maybe they won't do it, they will think better of it, blah blah blah. And then...

Michelle: instead they went through the...

Francesca: they had already reported it and see your reasoning was great. I just wish I had run, I should have run right away and reported it.

Michelle: yes.

Francesca: I'm working on getting two friends of mine to get me the dates of the other times I've told about Brindi being attacked this summer because I know the locations and

Michelle: so you don't know what they're going to do now at all?

Francesca: I don't know anything. So I stayed at a friends house last night, and I didn't find out, here's the problem is this, I was at my house, back at my house today without Brindi and I went in and I spent like this call might run out actually because I'm on a paid cell but anyway, I'll try to make it quick, Anyway, I went back to my house and I left my house at quarter to four. I checked my voicemail and my landline area nothing. Okay? Nothing from the cops. Nothing from anybody. Nothing from you. Okay? So I leave and I left my cell phone in my car while I was walking Brindi for an hour or so and I get back and it's like five o'clock and I see a couple messages but I don't see that it's Hendsbee. Hendsbee called me. I just got the message off my phone now. Called me at five o'clock saying he's getting calls from the media. At five o'clock. Okay, the RCMP never phoned my house.

Michelle: no.

Francesca: animal control never called my house. But they called the media.

Michelle: animal control did?

Francesca: somebody did because Andrea MacDonald was quoted in this article. It's on Herald.ca right now.

Michelle: yeah I see that now. I just put it on.

Francesca: all right you read it and figure out what the hell is going on here. It's very strange.

Michelle: Constable who ? Bracken spokeswoman for the Mounties would not say that the dog alleged to have attacked the other is Brindi but sources said it was indeed the well-known animal. Brindi was released to Rogier in mid-July after a lengthy and expensive fight with the Halifax region in two separate courts. The municipality had wanted Brindi, seized in... okay... Brindi was also to be muzzled...

Francesca: they had wanted Brindi seized. This is one of their worst writers, by the way. And here's the thing like so like him between four o'clock or something and 5:40, they published this article online. They actually published it. They called Hendsbee at five and it's online at five and I didn't find out until after nine.

Michelle: it says it wasn't clear what happened between the two dogs, but it's believed the alleged attack occurred after Brindi left a vehicle driven into Rogier's driveway. The beagle was being taken for a walk at the time by the complainants.

Francesca: they don't name them but they put my home address.

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: okay? They say...

Michelle: we were called regarding an animal complaint.

Michelle: "we were called regarding an animal complaint." But there's nothing in our system. I looked as soon as I got to work and there's nothing. Of course that doesn't mean that it couldn't be in their system.

Francesca: because the RCMP is doing it. That's the thing. Somehow something's going on.

Michelle: "we were called regarding an animal complaint. RCMP officers did do an investigation; as a result the file has been turned over to animal services. Andrea McDonald a manager with Animal Services for HRM confirmed a probe is underwaybut also would not release the identities of those involved. We are in the initial stages of an investigation..."

Francesca: it's going to be in the papers tomorrow when people, you know, when they get up, they're going to see this in the paper.

Michelle: yes but you did say that Animal Aervices had previously been to one of the E. Chezzetcook Rd. addresses before.

Francesca: and that doesn't make any, I don't know what that means. And it was in front of my house and they're saying, I don't think there is 722...

Michelle: "sources said Wednesday that neither dog appeared to be badly hurt in the scuffle. The beagle was taken to veterinary Wednesday, to the veterinarian Wednesday." Oh, it's on here. The sources, they have it, the sources also said Rogier contacted Animal Services at about 1:00 AM to file a complaint against the beagle.

Francesca: yeah. So they went into your records.

Michelle: yes they did.

Francesca: how did they get that?

Michelle: well as soon as you file a complaint it goes to Animal Services for them to investigate it anyway right?

Francesca: yeah but how did they get that and it's not showing up on your record about the other one and, you know. How is that working?

Michelle: that I don't know.

Francesca: you know, and... and... like why would the RCMP be investigating...

Michelle: "McDonald said a bylaw officer was collecting evidence and interviewing the parties involved and possibly obtaining photos." What bylaw?

Francesca: by law officers are cops. They're not animal control officers. By law officers are cops who enforce the bylaws and Bill Moore is one of them. And that, and then there are bylaw officers who are not cops and don't work for animal control. Doesn't make sense unless they are talking about animal control officers. They're separate from the other bylaw officers. But none of this follows the routine. The RCMP, if they got a call, like a 911 call or something, I don't know why she called 911 but if they called they should have directed her to you. Right?

Michelle: yeah

Francesca: they should have said that's not our job. You call 490-4000 and they will dispatch somebody or whatever. They'll take the report. They didn't do that. They sent out a car. They sent out a squad car immediately to my house.

Michelle: they are even quoting you. On an August 12th Facebook posting on Save Brindi from the city of Halifax, Rogier said Brindi had been attacked by seven other, attacked by other dogs at least seven times. No injuries, maybe soreness, but she's starting to get really freaked out, Rogier wrote. I want her to be able to get along with dogs like she used to but they see the muzzle and it makes them get aggressive.

Francesca: good that's good they quoted that.

Michelle: they did.

Francesca: good. That's why I wanted you to put in the report that I had had those other attacks. Remember that and use it to keep it simple. Is there anyway... now here's the thing, I'm wondering if I should send out a press release. I'm not in HRM right now.

Michelle: I don't blame you and I wouldn't be.

Francesca: and Bob Riley, I can't trust him because he starts drinking. Last night he started drinking and he was driving me crazy. But tonight he was even worse and he was getting out of hand. And I'm telling my friends that, I'm telling like, I'm trying to restrict the number of people who really know what happened, and I'm telling them the muzzle was on, the muzzle was on and... they didn't, did they say anything about the muzzle on there?

Michelle: I'm trying to read it. Let me look at the beginning again. It doesn't say whether the muzzle is on or not.

Francesca: good, good good. But I, you know,

Michelle: it just says that Brindi the dog might be in trouble again. But it doesn't say whether the muzzle was on or off it doesn't say any details.

Francesca: why do they spin the headline like that? Nobody reads to the end of a newspaper article. Very few people read to the end...

Michelle: but they say in the beginning like all my gosh she attacked again, oh my gosh.

Francesca: when you read it all the way through, it sounds like it's possible Brindi was attacked.

Michelle: yes.

Francesca: and they don't say that it was in front of my house...

Michelle: no because it says it right here that you called at 1:00 AM to file a complaint about the other dog.

Francesca: but it doesn't say it was in front of my house or anything and it's... very strange. So like yeah they went to, in fact I don't even know if I posted that on a group thing or on my wall. And only my friends my Facebook friends can see my wall.

Michelle: it says on an August 12th Facebook on save Brindi from the City of Halifax...

Francesca: okay, all right. And I get a call from Hendsbee like tell me what's going on and I'm... but none of the media called me because they have my cell number.

Michelle: it says a call to Rogier was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Francesca: well they must've called after 3:30 or after quarter of four, I'm telling you like I was there for an hour today, checked all the messages. I didn't get a call and that article was being written then. Because they were calling, you know, they were calling Hendsbee and doing all this stuff and like what the hell. What the hell?

Michelle: people. I don't trust those people really at all because why did they report to the media right away.

Francesca: yeah like who would have leaked it to the media? The RCMP?

Michelle: no because they're not allowed to.

Francesca: but they did. And if they didn't do it then it was Andrea McDonald?

Michelle: someone did.

Francesca: you know I don't think it was the people that reported it. Oh shit, I'm going to get stuck here.

Francesca: it's a good thing that I have all-wheel drive on this car that I just bought. Hold on. Actually I have to make a U-turn. I left Brindi, I was like worried all the time, and I really can't talk too long now but if you just check out, you know, I don't even know what you can do. Bob's sitting there going just wait and call Michelle. I said Michelle can't do anything about this. Don't you get it? They went around this. They circumvented the whole system.

Michelle: I know.

Francesca: and I wonder if they know that I know you. Do they know that?

Michelle: no.

Francesca: they don't, do they?

Michelle: nobody knows, not even my coworkers, nobody knows.

Francesca: they don't know because you never came to court or anything right? So they never, they don't know.

Michelle: right. No they don't.

Francesca: and there's nobody you know in there, right? You don't have anybody inside animal control? When Tim was talking to me he was suggesting that maybe, I said maybe I could talk to Brad because he said Brad was thinking of quitting and I said can I talk to him?

Michelle: out of all of them I would say Brad is the best.

Francesca: but Tim says he's a very shy guy, he doesn't get out, he's not outspoken and he doesn't get involved in stuff. Then I went yeah, I understand.

Michelle: if you needed to talk to any animal control officer at all I would say either Brad or -- -Leah Parsons

Francesca: do you think that I should call the animal control people tomorrow morning? Or what?

Michelle: I don't know how far they're going to take this. That's the point.

Francesca: well obviously they're saying they're investigating so that would imply that they need to speak to me.

Michelle: right. And obviously, so you filed a complaint but they filed it first I suppose, but even so there's two complaints in there now and the point is they can't ignore yours. They can't, they can't ignore either complaint. That's the thing. Because it’s .,. a complaint is there. They know it.

Francesca: do I take the next step and be proactive and contact them at this juncture or do I wait because I'm not home. And I don't know, do they have caller ID there and stuff? What do they do?

Michelle: well if you have a prepaid cell phone I would use that because yeah they do have caller ID but yours is not showing up on my number.

Francesca: it's blocked, I blocked it.

Michelle: yeah I know.

Francesca: so that's cool but then you know they're going to want to come and talk to me. Here's the thing I have plenty of reasons to leave the city and I can say to them the newspaper published my address, I've been stalked by people for the last year and a half, I don't feel safe and they've been threatening to shoot my dog so I took her out.

Michelle: Yep.

Francesca: all right?

Michelle: and don't even let them no where.

Francesca: no

Michelle: because if it's that bad, yeah, I would get out of the city.

Francesca: because this is the truth. People were saying somebody was going to shoot her and blah blah blah and now that they're doing this.

Michelle: but this is going to cause a whole mob of people, people already threatening to shoot her.

Francesca: and that's why I'm wondering if I should issue a press release that says that. Identical to what I say to the city. I say here's my report, here's what's going on and I don't feel safe here and I don't feel this is going to be fair treatment and whatever. I don't need to say fair treatment.

Michelle: if there's any way you could leave before they seize her, I would go. I'm not saying they are going to seize her but I wouldn't even let them get...

Francesca: I don't even want to let them touch, see her. I don't want her to be anywhere around.

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: and Bob sitting there arguing with me. I should stay with him the night and he won't let the cops in and he's like drinking. And I'm like will you shut up and stuff. And I'm making a hotel booking, motel booking and he is in the background, he's going Brindi come here Brindi. I'm like shut up.

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: I really should be getting out of the province because everybody in this fucking province knows my name, my face and her face.

Michelle: that's the problem. And they made it the first page too. Because as soon as I put it on the page it's there.

Francesca: what I'm doing, I'm not going to stay very long. I'm trying to get out of the province after tonight. Like I'm going to stay here in the province tonight but out of HRM and I'm going to go...

Michelle: if you want my honest opinion,

Francesca: what?

Michelle: I wouldn't call anyone. I would go.

Francesca: you wouldn't, do what?

Michelle: I wouldn't call anyone. I would just go.

Francesca: well, I'm gone, you know, I'm gone.

Michelle: I wouldn't call and make a press release. I would just -- -- inaudible [16:05] -- -- to go.

Francesca: and not report back ever?

Michelle: no.

Francesca: but I can't do that, Michelle. What about my house?

Michelle: I know.

Francesca: I can't even sell it because it's up on stilts still.

Michelle: I know. At least until things calm down. That's the thing.

Francesca: what things are going to have to calm down with me being part of it, right?

Michelle: yeah, I know.

Francesca: I have to be in touch somehow and what I can do is I can either wait to see if they leave a message on my home phone and reply or I can be a little bit more upfront because this is in the paper now and take the step of calling them in the press release would just simply state this is what, I reported this, this is what's been happening, this is happened...

Michelle: don't let anyone know you are thinking of leaving though because then they might rush around and... no I would just... if you want to make a press release, make it...

Francesca: but don't say that I took her away?

Michelle: no.

Francesca: if it comes out that I took her away then that's the whole thing. I feared for her safety and I feared for mine...

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: blame it on the Herald because of that article.

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: I'll blame it on the Herald calls I'll say I didn't leave until I found out about that article and I was terrified and you know...

Michelle: everybody knows where you live, and you're getting death threats.

Francesca: so I don't trust, you know, I don't feel safe and nobody's protecting me so

Michelle: exactly.

Francesca: that's what I would do I guess. Maybe you're right, I won't put in the press release but I would have to put something in a press release. And they don't even talk about what their name is.

Michel: no, they don't.

Francesca: and they don't have anything in your system so you can't even give me their names?

Michel: no.

Francesca: what if I called, would the RCMP give it to me? Probably not?

Michelle: probably not. No.

Francesca: you know what I'm going to say? I'm not going to give them any information until they give me the names of those people.

Michelle: it's right there, 772 E. Chezzetcook. Wrote at 8:54 PM. Is that your address?

Francesca: Michelle, I'm running out of money now.

Michelle: okay.

Francesca: so I'm going to let you go, okay? But I just wanted you to know.

Michelle: Yep.

Francesca: and anything, any other thoughts you have, call me in the morning or something, after work.

Michelle: I will.

Francesca: all right. Thank you so much.

Michelle: no problem.

Francesca: okay bye bye.

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