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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Worth a read.

I copied this from another blooger,it was written in October of 2010.I think it explains a lot about Fran,so I am reposting it here:

"To Francesca Rogier,

I have followed your story now since it first surfaced in the media, and had no opinion until you and your beautiful dog re-surfaced this past September.

The last thing I would ever like to see is an animal being destroyed. After reading your pleas to save Brindi, who had attacked and bitten another dog, I believed you were sincere. I thought you would do whatever it took to spare her from being euthanized. Boy, was I wrong.

It wasn’t very long after the courts released Brindi from animal prison, back into your care, when the same shit happened. Brindi attacked another dog, and now she is almost certainly bound for a lethal injection.

Francesca Rogier, you are a bitch. To sacrifice the life of a beautiful animal in exchange for media attention (which I believe you are after) is pathetic. I hope, for your sake, this was NOT your intention.

When the courts released Brindi back into your care, there were conditions. You were told, more than once, that unless these conditions were met, Brindi would most likely be put down. Conditions that would have been easily implemented if the owner truly loved their dog.

Now, Brindi finds herself in prison again. Why? I hope it wasn’t for the spotlight. If attention isn’t what you seek, then you are just plain stupid and irresponsible.

I hope your name has been tarnished forever, you ugly bitch; and I hope you are denied the privilege of ever adopting an animal again. You are obviously aloof when it comes to the care of animals and it would be a literal crime if you were to ever allowed to have a pet again.

I pray that Brindi isn’t killed because of your disregard to follow a few simple rules I pray that she is given another chance with an owner who loves her enough to keep her from situations that could lead to trouble.

So, Francesca Rogier, I’ll end this little rant about you with a quick reminder that the only bitch in this story is you.

I hope you experience much regret and unbearable guilt now that you will forever be kept away from the beautiful dog you took for granted.

Go fuck yourself,


If you want to read the comments just go look for the blog....""LOVE TO BITCH""

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