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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Taken from A FB Group

Debbie Macdonald
I don't know what happened to the poll about Brindi, but in the interest of fair disclosure, I think people here have a right to know who Derek Graham really is - the guy who was posting long-winded opinions here in the disguise of a "report" on the trial of Brindi's owner: he's the husband of Christine Reeve-Graham, who is also known as the owner and operator of Wyndenfog Kennel, where she has been locking up Brindi since September 27, 2010. Impartial my butt! LMAO!
7 hours ago

Derek Graham For the record, I have never hidden who I was, that's why I used my real name (unlike some from the other side of this situation). All I stated was information that I observed in court during the trial. I stated pro's and con's to the defence and offence and when I made an error in my observations as pointed out by the defence, I didn't debate it, I accepted it. You found my comments long winded - perhaps - others found them thourough, its a matter of perspective.
6 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald What's the difference between omitting and hiding, when it comes to a piece of information like that? Sorry, but I doubt you would you have spent all that time in the courtroom if you weren't connected directly to Brindi. Which you certainly are, as your wife is getting paid to lock up this poor dog. Was it your idea to send the RCMP to Francesca's home the day after Christmas??
6 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald That was a rhetorical question, by the way. I don't want this thread to get loaded down like the others. I'm done.
6 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald Except to say: shame, shame, shame!
6 hours ago
Derek Graham As for impartiality, it has been my observation that intelligent people respond and trust a person who is willing to make observations that both favour and show flaws in any given situation. Those were the people that I wanted to address for an audience. I understand your type of person Ms Macdonald all too well; narrow minded, emotional, and are of a singular opinion. Trust me – you - and people like you, are not my target audience. And, since you brought it up, lets clarify a situation that you clearly don't want anyone to know about - other than the deception you offer. My wife - has never "locked up" "incarcerated" or whatever other spin you want to put on it - ANY animal. My wife is a professional who is noted for being one of the top 5 dog obedience instructors in Nova Scotia, depending on who you talk to. She accepts animals from clients and ensures their safety and well being for short and long term care. She doesn't care how a dog gets to her - but she does dictate to the client how the animal will be cared for - and those standards are VERY high. That is why her client base is very extensive expanding, so much so that a new kennel building is required and will hopefully be complete by end July.

Shall we cut to the case Ms Macdonald - Brindi isn't going anywhere. Not until 10 May as per court order. As harsh as it may seem, that is the current situation -Now - do you want to see her put back in a pound environment - which is the only other alternative at present according to the law - or do you think she is better with the experienced kennel operator, dog obedience trainer with +25 years knowledge and experience (that’s X 2.5 more experience than Ms Rogier’s SME, by the way) and, who has also trained as a veterinary assistant.
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald You know nothing about me, Mr. Graham, so it would be better for you not to make such remarks, especially as your credibility is in question, having concealed who you are in this case. But one thing I do know: no responsible kennel operator keeps a dog kenneled for so long, for any amount of money. All dogs will suffer negative effects from that. A dog like Brindi, who was already locked up for two years, for no good reason, was already traumatized. She barely had a chance to recover before HRM seized her again! And don't forget she was isolated from dogs all that time. Apparently, she's been isolated again all the time she's at your wife's kennel. Any decent trainer would not agree to such terms. It's completely wrong. All the more repulsive to pretend it's okay just because - in your opinion - your wife's place is a step above the SPCA's pound environment!! Brindi's vet and trainer have pleaded with HRM more than once to let her go home pending trial. I trust their judgment. In fact I read that her vet has expressed serious concerns about her health. I also suspect that your wife and/or HRM have not always been truthful about it, since they don't even let the vet visit the kennel.
In your heart, you and your wife know very well Brindi should not be anywhere but home pending trial. And I don't even agree about the trial. Brindi hasn't done anything worse than any other dog - why is she locked up and they are not? In fact, what she did was very likely a lot less than what other dogs did - dogs HRM did not want to lock up, let alone put down. Frankly, I don't know where you get the nerve to show your face in public, let alone in a courtroom watching her owner fight for her life. I find it deeply upsetting, and I'm sure others do as well. Shame on you, and shame on your wife!!!!
5 hours ago
Derek Graham This is an exserpt of a letter I prepared for the RCMP (didn't send it -it wasn't necessary as they took our statement) There is an ongoing file on Ms Rogier due to her actions, and the actions of her followers. The Christmas Stocking/ RCMP Fiasco –
On Christmas eve, my family proceeded into Dartmouth to spend part of Christmas Eve with relatives. Family spending time with family is what normally happens at Christmas (and, yes, by the way Ms Rogier - the heat always is on in the kennel in the winter). Ms. Rogier has devoted much time and effort reporting her side of this event and interjecting her innuendo’s, so it is only fitting that that the other side of this story gets told.

First, we had no idea that any item or items of any type were going be dropped off at the house. Ms Rogier made no attempt to contact any official nor did she make any attempt to directly or indirectly contact us to explain that this was her intent. Had she contacted us, we would have had to clear it through the proper channels but we are not heartless (despite comments to the otherwise) we would have gladly done what we could to make that possible. However, her methodology was to arrive unannounced, drop off a stocking in a dark, lowlight area, take pictures, and leave. So – put yourself in my shoes for a second. You come home and an un-identified stocking (no pre warning – no note anywhere on the outside you can see) shows up at your door. The name on the stocking is for the dog that has a FBG following of 3000+ members, some who are openly hostile.( I have screenshots of the comments on her FBG to support this statement) You have no idea where it came from – because - the person who might have possibly dropped it off knows she is not suppose to be anywhere near the kennel unless she follows a prearranged agreement to contact us. It’s a Christmas stocking, so, due to its very nature you can’t see what’s in it. It’s probably safe. It’s probably nothing to worry about but you are responsible for the safety of your two children and a spouse. What would you do? Do you pick it up without a care in the world? Do you call the police requesting its removal? Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on if you consider me paranoid or exercising rational caution, option is irrelevant because in my case, instinctive military training kicked in. (a Tour in Afghanistan does this to you – by the way Ms Rogier - this is REAL PDSD) . I tell my family to get back to a safe distance while I inspect the parcel. Upon inspection I find a bunch of dog treats that apparently the dog shouldn’t be consuming do to purported medical condition and Ms Rogiers’ vets complaints about her weight + a bunch Brindi supporter literature and pictures. Well, at this point, my kids are freaked out. My nerves are shot and my wife is furious AND, it’s Christmas eve. THAT is why the RCMP got called – to ensure that Ms Rogier exercises better judgment. Once the RCMP was informed about the details they agreed that Ms. Rogier needed to be reminded that, although the sentiment AFTER the parcel was inspected, was understood - the method was unacceptable.

The fact that after the incident occurred with staged pictures in front of my house. The fact someone aiding her “act of compassion” took them. The fact that these images were almost instantaneously posted to her FBG and a Youtube video was produced. The fact that she started a series of negative commentary with no reflection on her actions or her role in these events despite the message the RCMP was attempting to relay - brings Ms. Rogiers intent of “good will” and integrity, SERIOUSLY into question.
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald HRM did not do anything about these dogs. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2012/03/20/ns-sackville-dogs-fighting.html
And you and your wife take HRM's money. So I don't think you should be speaking about this at all, frankly.
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald And isn't your wife the one who forbade the vet clinic to take photos of Brindi?
Look Mr. Graham: If you are so worried, why doesn't your wife simply refuse to keep Brindi locked up?
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald Your insinuations are really cruel. Isn't this the SECOND Christmas without her dog? Well, I for one I am sure Ms. Rogier was fully expecting somebody to be on the premises looking after her dog. It is not just your house, but a kennel. How often is Brindi left unattended?
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald Imagine how she felt when nobody was home! I don't know what PDSD is, but you seem to think that you can treat somebody like a criminal just because you were in the armed forces. Men in my family served in the forces and they don't assume that bringing a dog a Christmas stocking is a crime. As far as posting online and making youtube vidoes? Ms. Rogier is entitled to free speech. If you have a problem with that, please go back to Afghanistan. "Intelligent people" don't lock up a dog for going on two years. Let HRM find some other stiffs to do their bidding.
5 hours ago
Derek Graham Free Speech - Yes - she does - no problem... AND SO DO I.
5 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald Not according to your insinuations, she doesn't. Sending the RCMP is not a civilized way to send a message, if you ask me. Especially at Christmas! Banning a woman from visiting her beloved dog in the first place is not civilized - what law says that, in Halifax? What requirements are set down in the law? Do you even know? The answer from what we in Save Brindi can tell: NONE. So as far as I am concerned, she has a right to go where she wants to. Nobody banned her from going to your wife's place of business, as far as we know. We all know that she was allowed to visit Brindi when she was at another kennel, before she was released in 2010.
Now I am going to sleep because I am going to church in the morning to pray for Brindi and Ms. Rogier. I wonder how well you and your wife sleep? What exactly are you so afraid of?? I don't think it's fear that troubles you, I think it's guilt.I would think that your time in Afghanistan ought to give you some perspective, so that you would see what a waste it is, and how mean and unreasonable HRM has been from the start! After all, nobody is holding a gun to your head. You and your wife have a choice when it comes to Brindi. Ms. Rogier must feel so terrible, having left her home to start a new life in Canada - and here you are, with HRM, treating her like a terrorist. She adopted Brindi as a good deed. She has sacrificed so much. Nobody is paying her. Nobody is protecting her. Now she has to wait even longer. But she will probably never get justice. A dog's life is very short as you well know. Poor Brindi.
Shame, shame, shame!!!
4 hours ago
Derek Graham I didn't determine if Ms Rogier's actions were criminal - the RCMP did !! and they acted !! Look - Ms Rogier has to accept the consequences of her actions rather than rambling on, re-directing blame, and switching topics when confronted with them. Based on your YOUR insight Ms Macdonald of this situation and court case - I highly doubt you are who you say you are. For what it is worth, despite the theatrics and deceptive misleadings of Ms. Rogier’s / your statements in her FB Group, her dog is receiving top quality care that is inclusive to addressing her concerns with respect to long-term care, at our facility.
4 hours ago
Debbie Macdonald The consequences?? Come on! It is you who have to accept the consequences of your actions, Mr. Graham. You deceived this group. Switching topics? You did that!
Ms. Rogier offered to pay fines before HRM ever charged her with anything. She has said time and time again she will do what the law requires.
Top quality care - and a cancer scare?! Ha! There is no such thing as top quality care - kenneling a dog indefinitely is UNHEALTHY, period. It stresses a dog and this dog is already stressed. It is not recommended, period. What trainer would do this?
If you haven't noticed, there are many many people here who will argue just as strongly as I will and we are not Ms. Rogier. As for theatrics, re-read your description about the Christmas stocking, Mr. Graham! It's hilarious! Good night!
4 hours ago
Derek Graham Brindi is safe, fed , walked, played with, diet monitored, exercised with long term considerations factored in -which means - we are - and have been - addressing the kennelling issues with respect to Ms. Jordan's concerns. Furthermore, a person with impeccable credentials is doing this, with over twice as much experience (no disrespect to Ms Jordan) and who sincerely cares for her. If that's not good enough for Ms. Rogier or you - I could care less – and you should be thankful that someone with that much background in animal care was contracted for her care. By the way, we had the opportunity to give Brindi up, but my wife refused because the pound was her only alternative and that is defiantly NOT in Brindi's best interest. Let me this perfectly clear - This kennel WILL NOT entertain any notion to break the law to satisfy the desires or wishes of any one individual or group. And don't try to BS on the cancer scare because we BOTH KNOW that there was NO TRACE of ANY CANCER with no health correlation to the kennel whatsoever - Hello !! We get the same medical reports.
Debbie, let me take the time to thank you for providing me with a forum to counter all the deception that has arose over this issue and to promote our kennel. I sleep very well at night because Brindi is well taken care of. Good Night


  1. The rest of the thread:

    Jak Thomas Just for your info in case you didn't realize it Debbie Macdonald is none other than Fran Rogier.
    20 minutes ago · Like
    Dorothy Guild She's back on Occupy Nova Scotia again as Debbie. They spotted her pronto. If YOU wish to take issue with Derek use YOUR own name. Many of us who couldn't be there enjoyed his extensive coverage of the trial to supplement the reportage of friends who were.
    9 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
    Phil Walling It had been decided by admins that all Brindi threads will be put on hold until at least May 9th, when the Judge rules on the case.

    This thread and message will be deleted shortly.
    a few seconds ago · Like
    Jak Thomas Figured as much.

  2. The end of that thread:

    "Phil Walling Also, Debbie Macdonald, you have been put on notice that threads of a personal nature will not be tolerated."""

  3. Unbelievable, that woman attacks everyone and anyone who doesn't toe her line.
    I was very interested in Derek's take on the trial and found it to be balanced. Thanks to Fran we now have the full story on the Christmas stocking. LOL.
    Maybe we should do a chip in and send her on a vacation to Afghanistan, if she thinks it is such a lovely place.
    She should be damn grateful that Derek and his wife have Brindi at this time and why does she insist on saying the dog is kenneled all the time? Has she ever been there?
    This woman leaves me speechless with her crap.

  4. I have been following this for quite some time. At the beginning I supported Ms. Rogier as initially, I do feel she had a good case, procedure was not followed by Animal Control in her case.

    HOWEVER, it soon became obvious that Ms. Rogier has some deep-seated problems with authority and the law, and as someone else has noted, a persecution complex (I suspect she also has a narcissistic personality disorder).

    I was glad to see the issue of the kennelling come up as this is an actually black and white issue for me and I found her actions on Christmas Eve, and her attempts to demonize the kennel owner after the fact, to be despicable. Why would someone try to harass and make an enemy of the people (a highly regarded kennel) who are physically taking care of their dog? She must know that the only alternative if the kennel owners got sick of the drama, and said "no more" that Brindi would return to the "pound". So WHY do this?

    UNLESS, moving Brindi back to the pound would further a new agenda. A new round of the "poor me" routine, used to inflame Brindi followers to further harass HRM, allow Ms. Rogier to soak up more pity, and of course, raise more funds....to fight the "evil" that is HRM. There is no "reason" to whom she would direct her rage (all she needs is a name) and no end to the list of people who are working in collusion to "get her".

    She has glossed over all of her errors and misdeeds and seems to have glamoured a few of her followers (I suspect that the most rabid of these followers also have persecution complexes and have trouble living peacefully in society).

    From her own comments, it is dubious she would EVER follow any order of a court. For those saying "she's learned her lesson, Brindi is in training, just let them continue training" - I counter with a recent comment that she made on a photo she posted of herself in the kennel with Brindi. "This is from 2010, when I was required to train her in the kennel before they would let her go. Can you see my eyes rolling??" For one second, did it ever cross your mind Ms. Rogier that the muzzle was also to keep BRINDI SAFE FROM HARM??

    She basically admits that she did not/STILL does NOT take it seriously. Ms. Rogier, your "eyes rolling" attitude is why Brindi is in danger. You seem to know better than all the experts in ANY field....

    YOU FAILED this dog Ms. Rogier. It is you who should be SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

    On that day (or days - purportedly you were often not abiding the conditions) you did not follow the court order, you may as well have thrown Brindi out of the car on a busy highway.

  5. BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO Derek! I was very happy this morning that Dog Lover provided a copy of this and it was enlightening to hear about your wife's kennel etc. it appears like Brindi has a wonderful home there.

    It is very disturbing reading the above how this woman maliciously attacks and manipulates facts, laws, people and the truth whether in her own name or someone elses.
