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Sunday, March 4, 2012


Well, March 2 has come and gone and not a word to her loyal supporters! They are all waiting for word on how things went on the first day of court. After all they are very concerned as they have invested time and money in this cause.

So what do they get? NOTHING, not a damn word.

She has not been heard from....did she skip the country because she now knows the evidence is overwhelming and she doesn't have a leg to stand on? Probably no such luck. She will stick around and try to sue everyone and anyone to raise money to fund her lifestyle. While the rest of us work for a living.


  1. She said very little the last time too when the court posed wanting more options instead of giving Brindi back or killing her. She stated in court " the only option is giving Brindi back to me. If I can't have her nobody can " She never told that to her supporters.

  2. Well, give the girl a break, she needs time to think of another (fake) story. I can see the wheels turning in her head, how can I make some money out of this. Poor Brindi, who never did have any say in all of this, and who would have been saved, had her so called loving Mom given her up for adoption, might now begin to suffer from heart trouble. I hope she stay's alive, and finds a responsible home, but I fear the worse.

  3. Supporters? Are you referring the to Peons & Accolytes from near & far--scratch that: from Far--too far at least to know the "lady" in person? Their function is to Give Money (specially if they are short of it themselves) and heap fawning unconditional (if a bit gag-making to those who know the viper personally) praise on her bravery, steadfast devotion to fund-raising, not letting herself miss more than a beat or 2 when her lies were taped & she ascertained they were admissible in Court. Oh and light cyber-candles (fake candles for a fake devoted dog-owner), send prayers (the Tibetans keep prayer wheels spinning; might consider it in view of the endless dragging out of her melodrama). When all else fails--do it AGAIN. I swear I think she MISSED the notoriety, interviews, curiosity, and feedback from followers. "Sooo glad you got Brindi back!" and on to something else. Some peoole DO have lives; Fran has only her Brndi drama eked out by HRM wants to tear down my eyesore shack. How else can you explain that any SANE human having fought 2 years to get the Love of her Life back pulled into her drive--the ONLY site where ALL the incidents took place that almost got Brindi killed in the first plce - - - AND...was Brindi muzzled? noooo; was her lead on and held by Rogier? noooo, did she even glance to see if anyone was in sight (let alone right at the driveway...she almost ran over their toes screeching in)....no.. But at least the window was closed, right? UM, no.

    Someone tell Dexter to pass on to Jason Kenny--scratch that Prov. Nomination--BIG MISTAKE--this woman is a fruitcake & we'll be paying for her residence in the Nova Scotia Hospital if you don't get her OUT of our province!

  4. N.S. Hospital,gee I hope not this leach has cost the tax payers of N.S. to bloody much now. Just maybe her mouth piece from South Africa now living in Australia will take her in as we don't want it.

  5. She is showing such disrespect for her supporters that I find it absolutely unconscionable. I don't care if HRM buried her with evidence & the law, I fully expect they did but that is no reason not to give her loyal followers some kind of update, even if the reality of the situation finally smacked her in the face. Maybe she has received everything she wanted or could get from these people? Maybe she spinning something to positive to say about herself, because it wouldn't be favorable to HRM? Never-the-less it demonstrates she doesn't care about the people who have supported her for years & I am surprised she has only lost 2 members thus far.

  6. I read on Facebook that the new date was pushed to March 16th. This was rain day of sorts in case the other cases of the day ran long, which apparently they did. So March 16th be on the lookout.

  7. My understanding was that it was expected, right from the start, that they would need the March 16th date. Regardless, did you see the reason it ran so late? She apparently had a car accident on the way to court, and didn't arrive until 1pm (was supposed to start at 9am I believe). They went ahead and started without her at 10:45. This isn't the first time she's arrived late at court, by the way!

  8. Yes, she was given March 2 & the 16th as the trial was expected to last two days the same as previous court dates.

    Give her a break, she was out in the cold for two hours & did eventually show up around 1:00 after going home lst that is according her. She chose to go home??? She expected everyone to sit around waiting for her to arrive? As someone mentioned to me, her friend could have waited for a tow, while she took a cab. GMAB

  9. well I think many people will be at that date :)

    1. i would love to be there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. So...some of tapes were played in court. Indisputable evidence of the truth & they thought WE were lying lol. All there in her own voice & it's someone else's fault as usual. The woman never takes responsibility for (((her own CHOICES))) if is it not everyone & their dog's fault, it was an accident. At what point is it gross or willful negligence? The Judge will decide.
