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Monday, April 23, 2012


Well here is the latest comment that the idiots sent: """"""AnonymousApr 23, 2012 08:07 AM

Thanks for admitting you made complaints to HRM yet you don't live there. Total fraud. So is the email from Riley. Ever heard of message headers? Your typing exercise proves absolutely nothing. Anybody can type. It's called libel. Good crimes.
As for your crap about your "hubby's auntie" Emma Richards, your English is so bad, anybody can recognize it. Thanks for confirming that you hate Francesca because she's American. That's great proof of hating somebody just because of where they come from. Hate crimes.
Threatening about immigration puts you in the same boat, Wayne. Fraud plus intimidation. Keep the evidence coming, morons, can't wait till it's your turn in the dock. This whole blog is just perfect for that.

What about threatening her for "impersonating" the Queen? That was hilarious! Keep at it.
I laugh so hard that you still don't know who I am. You oughta know you have so many enemies from way back, buddy."""""""

I posted the comment,but thought I would just put it up as a topic as well, of course the idiot would not use their name probably to hide just how stupid they actually are.This want to be lawyer needs a lesson in CANADIAN LAW,Fraud,hate crimes,threatening,well the author of that comment better look in the mirror as it seems that the threats are not made by this blogger but by some of fran's Idiot friends or in many cases by Fran herself. Yes several of us have called HRM,Immigration,CRA,and the IRS,in fact all of the Gov depts have hot lines for reporting suspected violations maybe the writer of the comment should actually look it up before blowing smoke out their ass.

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