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Friday, April 20, 2012


Well as most everyone knows Ms.Rogier lives in Nova Scotia as a guest of the Canadian Government,and wishes to live there as a landed immigrant and I suspect would like to fit in to the community which she claims to like....well now wait a minute Ms Rogier posted this on her Face book page. ""Francesca Rogier People really need to understand just how dysfunctional the whole place is. It's not saying that I'm perfect in every way, in any way. But dysfunction and corruption cannot be escaped at these levels."" Now I can't speak for anyone else but if I wanted to move to a new country, I would not pick an area as Frannie describes,and if I did I would not make statements like the above on a public chat page which will just turn off the people of this great Province. IMO its not the way to fit into a community. Than there is the issue that Ms Rogier will not live by the laws of the community even when under a court order, and she thinks its us the residents of NS that are dysfunctional? I suggest Rogier looks into a mirror.

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