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Monday, November 14, 2011

A candid photo of ONS

Looks like a peaceful protest. Hmm not really. Not by the few with their mouths open wide screaming.


  1. Than there is the "LADY" with her hand up peaceful my ass.

  2. Its not a hand but a fist,I think I know that lady,her pic. has been in the news a lot,wish I could remember her name,if I re call it was over something like a house without a foundation. I will have to check some older news chippings

  3. It can't be that 'woman'. This is Occupy N.S., not America. They don't need American Agitators in their numbers!

  4. Oh but that lady, whoever it might be, is a Professional Agitator & would fit right in. But do you suppose it could possibly be someone who has been attacking every ANTI-ONS person who dares to Tweet on her Turf. Someone whose wounded finger which made her cancel (& waste 2 court days badly needed by real NS residents). That finger recovered miraculously a nanosecond after the Judge adjourned the case. She's been tweeting 24/7 ever since. In fact that's ALL she's done since that poor dog was seized a second time in September 2010. If she were not on Twitter all her time, she could have written a brief (well, except that there's nothing whatever to say; the tapes say it all) 10 times over, finished her PhD & written 7 bodice-ripper novels. Those at least might bring in some money so she would not have to solicit $2 here and there from poor deluded people who believe her and dig down although they need it themselves. Wonder how many MORE checks for $10k her Mommy has mailed her since Jan-Feb 2010?
