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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The """"EXCUSE""

Now we know why court was delayed poor Frannie on pain meds,well it hasn't slowed her up on twitter I have heard of lame excuses before but that tops the list. With all the monet she has scammed people out of I would think she could hire a taxi;or have a neighbour friend drive her............but oh wait she has no friends in HRM. "Robert Riley When you smash your finger and the doc puts you on pain med it is not a good idea to drive a car from where she lives.And I have driven with her a few times and I would not like to be with her on pain meds.My opinion only."


  1. Oh wait there is more
    ""Robert Riley Also maybe people don't realize all that Francesca had to type up for court like a brief, and other docs to do, and legal research etc. and the pain and injury set her back too much to get done!""

    She only had over a year to do all the typing,and as I write this Frannie is typing up a storm on twitter,I wish just for once SFB would tell the truth,Robert Riley is yapping on Frans FB page,actually its not RR its Frannie Robert to drunk this time of night to see straight.
    Hell even SFB called RR a drunk on one of her fake calls to the police. I wish to Hell they would throw the leach in Jail for fraud,contempt of court and upon her release ship her to a desert Island.

  2. I hope they tack the KENNEL fees for the extra 6 months right on her tax bill. HRM taxpayers have housed and fed a large dog for over 3 years already. Enough--3 and 1/2???? NO!! Bill her for the whole lot! Our property taxes go UP but not for this. 14 months, her on Twitter blabbing on about the Middle East 24/7. Now day before trial a booboo on her knuckle & she can't get to court. WHAT THE HELL COULD SHE WRITE--that's her REAL problem. They have the tapes--she could take 5 years to do legal research and it ain't gonna change a thing. Not even the cases in Alabama. Shut the hell UP Rogier & move back where you came from if all you want to do is discuss the role of the US in world politics. We are sick of supporting you while you TWEET away our taxes!!!

  3. What can I say...even a convicted con artist could come up with a better excuse than that and then the Judge buys it?? She waits til the last day to do her typing and research according to RR, well guess that explains her comments about him being a drunk and useless.

    Her fingers seems to be working fine, even on the day she couldn't go to court, they were working fine. She is typing up a storm all over the net.

    I am beginning to think she is waiting for Brindi to die and then she can try and file more cases against HRM. IMO

  4. This is utter B.S.

    This woman should be found in contempt of court. If the excuse truly because of a bag finger, then how in the hell can she be blabbing on just about every form of social media there is. With her 4 or 5 twitter accounts, she has been writing day and night. Also her blog has been updated on Nov 3rd, with a huge piece. Someone's priorities are not in the right place, if she really cares about this dog.

    Does the prosecution have this info, I am sure they must track whatever she says. Honestly as a taxpayer, enough is enough. We're paying legal teams and boarding costs for something that IMO is a open and shut case.

