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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Talk about sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong!

Fran stirring the pot again with the squatters in HRM.

"Amanda Lee
At 3:50 today, James Wiseman called me to say he'd been arrested again for entering Cornwallis (i.e. Peace and Freedom) Park. As he was walking home, the police picked him up. He needed someone to sign for him so he could be released, so I left immediately. I got to the police station at 4:25, and was told that they were 'busy', so he was not ready to be released and they would call me when he was. If it's not before 7, he'll be held overnight...send good thoughts his way..let's hope they call soon so I can go and get him and he's not stuck there overnight!!
LikeUnlike · · Follow PostUnfollow Post · 4 hours ago

Francesca Rogier Oh crap!!! It's great that you could go, Amanda. Do you think they will really call you, though? Somehow I don't quite believe it. They don't like him, especially with the things he says in his videos, so I don't imagine they're particularly motivated to be helpful.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Also, what's this 7 pm deadline?? And why can't they just release him without anybody being there?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Kelly Moore Booo! Keep me posted. If you need anything let me know.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier What is the phone number at that station?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Kelly Moore I will go too if you want.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Robert Blotnicky why would the cops arrest him for merely walking into Cornwallis park? they can't do that.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier They are enforcing the conditions they imposed after his first arrest. The judge released the same conditions for Miles Howe last week, but James and the others have not had a hearing yet.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Ideally a lawyer should get to the station ASAP or they could keep him till Monday morning.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ozzy Josh Lucas Were they following him? how did they know? :( bloody cops :(
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier It's not hard to track people. They've been photographing everybody for weeks. And James is easy to pick out in a crowd due to his height.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee I contacted our legal person, and he says they can do this...I'm not sure what to do...very frustrating, and I'm worried about his cat...
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Ozzy Josh Lucas likes this.
Amanda Lee And James too, of course, but I figured that went without saying...
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Ozzy Josh Lucas likes this.
Ozzy Josh Lucas his height is tall. is name is wise.
hopefuly they didnt get any cameras off him and delete his data
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Can anybody else get to the police station now? I'm too far away. I sent out a message to the Google group. I don't have Tony's number handy, do you?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Emily Driscoll This is beyond pathetic. All of the productive things the police could be focusing on, and they're arresting people like James. Sad.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Amanda Lee likes this.
Amanda Lee I will call Tony now
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2Francesca Rogier and Ozzy Josh Lucas like this.
Francesca Rogier OK - Amanda, by "this", did you mean the arrest, or keeping him overnight, or all of it?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee And I can get back to the station, I just don't know how that will help
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Francesca Rogier likes this.
Francesca Rogier I wonder if Miles' lawyer, Gordon Allen, can be reached now?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier I'm afraid for him because last time that cop opened his cell and taunted him, remember? I don't trust the police.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Emily Driscoll Is his cat at his home?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee Yes his cat is at his home, but probably needs food. I just got off the phone with Tony and he said the same as Ian, that the cops can keep him for the weekend, the same way they did with Miles and Eric last weekend. There's basically nothing we can do...
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier But we don't know if they will do that just yet - also, did they feed the other guys?? Last time they let them go for 10 hours with just an energy bar...
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Ellen Durkee likes this.
Francesca Rogier This weekend stuff is such a lame excuse, really; cops work every day around the clock! I wish he hadn't gone to the park. Crap!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Emily Driscoll Is there anyone with a key to his house/appt whatever that can bring it food?
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Emily Driscoll Is there anyway to actually contact the police and ask them to make sure to feed the people being held? Maybe it will make them feel some sympathy. If he's going to be held all weekend, the most we can do at this point without legal intervention is making sure he's being taken care of in there.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee I just called the cells, and was told they can't tell me who's there or when they'll be released. I asked about getting his keys to feed his cat and was told, probably not. I asked if that was a firm no, or are there channels I can go through to get the keys, and he said they're too busy to worry about cats but maybe I could call later. When I pressed the issue, he said who is it you're calling about? I told him James, and he said call back later. They really don't like James, so I don't know...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier The cat will be okay without food for one night; knowing James he's probably well fed and has plenty of water.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Tom Servaes likes this.
Francesca Rogier Let's all call.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Too busy my left eye...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee I agree, i think they're holding him as long as they possibly can
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Emily Driscoll Since when are the so-called servers and protectors of our society "too busy" to deal with things? They didn't have any problems calling out half of the police force to show up for peaceful demonstrations.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Amanda Lee likes this.
Ellen Durkee So they didnt arrest him IN the park? odd...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Amanda, it's up to you to decide what's best here, but if I can make some suggestions, if you can get back there and ask to speak to the officer in command - if they want to know why, say it's because you are very concerned about James' condition. If you can get to that person, work with him as well as possible: start with reasonable questions such as would they give him food if it was dropped off; express concerns for his health as he has lost weight recently, has little money to buy food, etc. (both true).
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Tom Servaes likes this.
Francesca Rogier The problem is that police are pissed off so they want to treat this all as a criminal offense and believe they are doing their job. We just have to keep reminding the police (gently) that these charges stem from peaceful protests, people asserting their rights; if mistakes were made, fine, but they ought to be kept in mind. James is no danger to anyone, and he certainly will not violate conditions overnight...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ellen Durkee Good idea Francesca, he looks awful, so thin.. hopefully they'd feed him or allow him to be fed.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ellen Durkee Why are the police pissed off at us?? its Kelly that made them look like fools!!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1Tom Servaes likes this.
Francesca Rogier Have you seen James' videos?
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ellen Durkee Yep.. reactionary.. but thats all.. Kelly put them in that position.. James only showed it.. its all in Kellys lap...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier The police cannot and will not back down from their position just like that; Beazley was very stubborn, and don't forget, there's an international security conference in town right now...
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ellen Durkee woo.. yes.. and a guy that walked through a park is a serious threat to those attending...I'm sure the officers themselves must be rolling their eyes..
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee I'll be interested to hear from James when he gets out just how many people were being processed...I'm sure it's not that busy...it's after 7 and I haven't heard anything, surprise, surprise
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier I called the commander about 40 minutes ago. I don't want to call him again for a few hours, or until I hear something else. Will you be going back, Amanda?
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee I hadn't planned on it until i hear something from them, and since it's after 7, he won't be released until at least tomorrow, if not Monday
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier I don't buy that 7 pm deadline. The commander had no explanation for it.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Kelly Moore I hate to interupt but where is the GA?
about an hour ago via mobile · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Already held this afternoon. Next one tomorrow 7 pm.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Rick Van Wrinkle IMHO James should ask the Sargent on duty to have a doctor check him out as they didn't give him a proper check up at the hospital he went to. He said that he might have a concussion but they can't tell. They sure as hell can tell if happens to a hockey player. I would suggest that if no one takes him to the hospital to get checked out for the pains he has been experiencing then someone should write down the symptoms of what he has been experiencing and e-mail these to all city councillors and demand that this man be checked out properly for these injuries.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1Loading...
Ellen Durkee Amana, you got ahold of Tony?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Ellen Durkee Amanda*
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Amanda Lee Yes I did, the info is posted above
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1Loading...
Rick Van Wrinkle It is then on the record that this man has been injured in being arrested before, he feels that he was not properly examined because of the OCCUPY eviction and he feels that he received a concussion because of the disorientation that he has been experiencing. He should be watched carefully so he doesn't take a turn for the worse.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier James declined to go get the tests done at the hospital last week, unfortunately, so there are no records.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Rick Van Wrinkle I seen a video that James made in his apartment just after returning from the hospital, in the video he was saying that they didn't check him out that well after he told them how the injuries happened.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier One of us could request that he be seen by a doctor, however. I am really also worried about him eating. AND this nonsense about a 7 pm deadline is just that; I rather wish Amanda would go back to the station and find out what the problem is. The commander I got on the phone was the same one I spoke with last Friday night several times and he was reasonable enough to let info be passed to Cynthia Williams from her parents, and get the minors released, etc. in response to my requests. I think his name was Hirnan.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Rick Van Wrinkle The doctor can also make sure he gets food. :)
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier When I spoke with James about it, he said the EMS folks wanted him to go to the hospital to get checked out but he did not want to - he sounded like he did not trust them, even. I was surprised given that he also says he's had so many problems with brain injuries.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
GnatBear Liberta that is bullshit.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier Which is?
39 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Francesca Rogier I believe it is absolute BS to detain James for two days, just as it was last week to detain the three of them for the rest of the weekend. It's called unlawful detention, habeas corpus; etc. Last Monday, a judge ruled that Rattrap's charges of obstruction of justice and violating his conditions were satisfied by "time served" and he was released - sounds fair, unless you consider that the charges and conditions were unreasonable and unfounded in the first place!
10 minutes ago ·"


  1. Is this what they mean by living vicariously? You don't belong in Nova Scotia & after skipping out on the last reserved Court date (TWO days real NSians could have used) you probably will not ever be granted legal permission to become a Nova Scotian. WE HOPE. [JAK;;GLAD you are copying ALL this crap and sending it to Immigration Canada--pls CC DEXTER!!) That creature has nothing but scorn and contempt for the place, its citizens & officials. Now going off in 10 directions like a General instructing and directing her underlings. James being clapped in jail seems to be jes' DE mos' exciting thing in yr empty, impoverished, nasty, vindictive and totally meaningless wasted 'life.' Anyone remember the days when she had Brindi home? OK there weren't that many of them--she couldn't focus on Brindi enough to roll up the damn car window if she wasn't going to follow the muzzle order--moron!
    There was TAD (yanno Bobby's son's hs pal ho ho)...and TAD was on CTV 24/7 just about blasting everyone. Nasty cutting remarks, exhibiting the vicious vindictive hostile personality behind the posts. Tad swatted anyone who spoke up with slurs about pitiful, empty lives--and sad, sick people. I do believe Tad's posts described Francesca Elizabeth Rogier to a T. Anyone know her Immigration Case No.? Jason Kenny is the guy in charge, right.....but like she told people writing letters against the young prosecutor...send at least 3 to different agencies so they don't get lost. Sounds like good advice.

    Does anyone know if Michelle IS still working at HRM? I thought they sent her out to the airport....as a temp measure so it didn't look like they were ditching her without full investigation, but thought at the time, when that lass's next review comes, it ain't going to be good. Can you THINK of anything not just unprofessional--but actually aiding a non-resident to file a false complaint against two native-born Nova Scotians?

    She's damaged several lives and TRIED and failed with others.

    ENOUGH--go back where you came from and agitate the hillbillies of wherever you taught. They'll take you down a peg fast enough. People with real lives, and real concerns haven’t' time for shit like that.

    Why don't YOU go down, Fannie girl and take tall young James a cake you baked with a file in it. Sure they’ll take a picture, but hell they have so much material on you already they've had to rent off-site storage!!

  2. Is this what they mean by living vicariously? You don't belong in Nova Scotia & after skipping out on the last reserved Court date (TWO days real NSians could have used) you probably will not ever be granted legal permission to become a Nova Scotian. WE HOPE. [JAK;;GLAD you are copying ALL this crap and sending it to Immigration Canada--pls CC DEXTER!!) That creature has nothing but scorn and contempt for the place, its citizens & officials. Now going off in 10 directions like a General instructing and directing her underlings. James being clapped in jail seems to be jes' DE mos' exciting thing in yr empty, impoverished, nasty, vindictive and totally meaningless wasted 'life.' Anyone remember the days when she had Brindi home? OK there weren't that many of them--she couldn't focus on Brindi enough to roll up the damn car window if she wasn't going to follow the muzzle order--moron!
    There was TAD (yanno Bobby's son's hs pal ho ho)...and TAD was on CTV 24/7 just about blasting everyone. Nasty cutting remarks, exhibiting the vicious vindictive hostile personality behind the posts. Tad swatted anyone who spoke up with slurs about pitiful, empty lives--and sad, sick people. I do believe Tad's posts described Francesca Elizabeth Rogier to a T. Anyone know her Immigration Case No.? Jason Kenny is the guy in charge, right.....but like she told people writing letters against the young prosecutor...send at least 3 to different agencies so they don't get lost. Sounds like good advice.

    Does anyone know if Michelle IS still working at HRM? I thought they sent her out to the airport....as a temp measure so it didn't look like they were ditching her without full investigation, but thought at the time, when that lass's next review comes, it ain't going to be good. Can you THINK of anything not just unprofessional--but actually aiding a non-resident to file a false complaint against two native-born Nova Scotians?

    She's damaged several lives and TRIED and failed with others.

    ENOUGH--go back where you came from and agitate the hillbillies of wherever you taught. They'll take you down a peg fast enough. People with real lives, and real concerns haven’t' time for shit like that.

    Why don't YOU go down, Fannie girl and take tall young James a cake you baked with a file in it. Sure they’ll take a picture, but hell they have so much material on you already they've had to rent off-site storage!!

  3. AH, the leader has brain injures, now that explains a lot. Miss Mouth Piece has mental problems. They are on a fast train to no where.
