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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The answer to the question is in section 22

"22. Counsel for the applicant also laid great stress on typed notations made by
ACO Hamm following his attendance at Ms. Rogier’s residence and service on her
of a “Notice to Muzzle” Brandi. Hamm’s notes record that Ms. Rogier stated she
understood the repercussions of not having her dog muzzled, but felt it was
unnecessary due to her belief that her dog is very friendly and the April 20, 2008
incident was an isolated one. His notes are “I informed her that I was not deeming
her dog as ‘dangerous’ as this would include additional safeguards.”
He wrote that
Ms. Rogier was happy to hear this, but felt that Animal Control Services would
never take someone’s dog because it had bitten another dog. Hamm recorded that
he informed her they had done so in the past."

This is how the city is able to kill Brindi if they want. At this point - Animal Control could have deemed Brindi dangerous, but they did not. Instead they issued a muzzle order. Any other infraction that Francesca incurred would result in Brindi's seizure - and certain death.

Dangerous dogs are allowed to live in the Halifax Regional Municipality - you just have to keep them under certain conditions - they have to be muzzled, blah blah blah - you can read about that on the HRM's website at http://www.halifax.ca/AnimalControl/DangerousDogs.html - but by just issuing a muzzle order for Brindi - they were in essence - giving Brindi a death sentence - 2ith no way to appeal, and no way to fight.

She should have WISHED that Brindi could have been deemed dangerous at that point instead of being HAPPY to hear that she wasn't, we think - but hindsight is 20/20 - who would know that to be declared dangerous keeps your dog alive - and a muzzle order KILLS your dog if you have no plans of keeping the muzzle on your dog.

Animal Control are very crafty, you've got to give them that. They know what they're doing, don't they? That's smart. Further proof that if you're a responsible dog owner - it's best when you never have to deal with them.



  1. 100% correct, I think you said it all and I can't add any more.

  2. That must have been another time when she put her hands over her ears and chanted 'LALALALALA'. I can't hear you, so I don't have to obey.
