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Saturday, March 6, 2010


During the past hour this blogger has been attacked by an anonymous poster to this blog. I suspect the person who attacked me thought that I wouldn't publish them,well suprise I did.
The reason that I did so was just to show the mentality of the people that are calling the Mayors Office and now the Premiers office with the sole purpose of harassment of their staff.
With the attitude of anonymous,there is little wonder that Brindi is still locked up.

Now if the group of Brindi supporters don't like the truth as posted in this blog,I'm so sorry there is nothing I can or will do about it, however I will humor them by publishing their comments.


  1. Good for you. Let them show their true colors and mentality

  2. After listening to the tape of that phone call, I am wondering if they are going to start harassing the cops?

    Now THAT would be funny!

  3. If you're referring to me:

    1. Refuting what you say is not an attack; it is a difference of opinion. I seem to remember a Gail Gallant on the FB group "Release Brindi But Not To Her Owner" saying it was all about hearing "two sides" of a story.

    2. Personally I have never called any person in authority EVER. I believe such actions are useless. I have also never harassed anyone, another useless activity.
    Brindi is only locked up because HRM and the SPCA refuse to open the door!!!

    3. You can't handle the truth. You live in a city with rogue people in positions of authority and instead of protecting animals and owners rights, you are wasting time being fascinated with Franny.

    Franny fetishists!!!!

  4. "Brindi is only locked up because HRM and the SPCA refuse to open the door!!!"

    LMAO really?? You have got to be kidding. Are you really that naive?

    Lets see what fran could have been charged with but only charged with 3 counts shall we?

    4 running at large
    3 attacks
    1 ignoring a muzzle order
    1 no tags.
    Now... the HRM decided to only charge for 3 of those. The HRM/ AC is the ones holding Brindi and now the only one that can decide is the JUDGE. The SPCA did not seize Brindi, they do not own the key to set her free. They are / were ( until March 31st ) under contract with AC/ HRM. So how in the name of blue blases are they at fault? You need serious help if you think for one second the SPCA should ignore that contract for ONE dog or because fran whines / cries / harasses/ threatens people. You really do need help.

    All you and your other groupies really do need help. I hope and pray the judge allows Brindi to live and orders her to be re-homed to a place you all have no knowledge of. This poor dog deserves so peace and an owner who will always look out for her best interests.

    If the judge decides to kill Brindi, the first person with blood on her hands is fran, next it is all the ones who will not shake sense into her and pats her on the back. I hope you will all be happy in what you accomplished. Bravo to you all. You all would have helped kill this poor dog. I hope you all have dreams of it for an enternity.

  5. You forgot one. Had the statute of limitations not run out, she could have EASILY been charged with owning a dog that attacks a person, since Brindi knocked over a woman while trying to get at her small dog.

  6. Knocking over a woman - easy to happen in the middle of two dogs and three people trying to separate them. Can they prove Brindi was trying to attack, though? No.
    Do you realize that the "small dog" was aggressive to Brindi first, and her owner couldn't or wouldn't stop her?
    Do you WANT Brindi killed, or what??

    If you think her owner is the one responsible for this abuse of the law, you have the most perverted sense of justice I ever saw.
    NO LAW called for the seizure of this dog, regardless of the violations of the owner. NO LAW.
    The SPCA was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be quiet and were perfectly okay with killing Brindi from the start. That is also known as blood money. In their care, Brindi became ill and her chronic condition won't ever go away.
    DEAL WITH THAT: TELL ALL THE TRUTH. Start by posting this comment.

  7. Gail, we know you're behind this. Does your boss know?

  8. Gail is also friends with the Prime Minister and made a public comment on facebook, saying 'she's good friends with the Prime Minister and he's not reading any letter regarding Brindi and not giving the matter ANY ATTENTION. She soon after deleted her comments too bad I saved them and so know what side of the fence she's on! It's now who you know in Gail's case it's ..........


  10. Holy, they even have shills on save the dog websites, too? So who's payroll are you on to ruin, and defame the character of Francesca? Get over it, what is RIGHT about holding a dog for over 500 days?
    Just a little please, or don't bore us with your dribble.
    You are a hater, and that is all you will do is hate....simple as that, and frankly, we don't really like haterz and find them a waste of time! Be well.

  11. I really am unsure what happened here but what do you think is the real situation. Do you believe this dog is a danger? If so what would you do if it were your dog?? What do you think th judge will rule Tuesday.What do you think is the solution? I found all your remarks interesting and certainly different from other things I have read.
    I don't feel this page is unjust and I think you sound serious and logical ,but I am only getting pieces of all this.
    I think a sensible discussion where people are expressing real concerns is appropiate and I also sense some fustration here, which isn't a good feeling.
    I hope you might reply as this case has got some attention on facebook but I never really got the whole story and am confused and probably sounding a little bit nosy.lol Thankyou so much for at least reading this, I do hope I hear from you. Linda

  12. If law enforcement decide not to charge for an offence they believe happened and have the evidence to prove it, is that not negligent? So the onus is on AC to charge when they should. Having said that, prosecutions are supposed to be in the public interest. One aspect of this policy is that not every speeder or owner of an untagged dog gets charged and/or prosecuted. The courts would be clogged. There are practical considerations that are made.

    Having made those two points, it is clear that anything that may have happened prior to July 08 was not worthy, in AC eyes, of charging - likely because there was not evidence to prove whether they ever happened or not.

    HRM has full legal power to decide to prosecute, stop prosecuting or make settlements, with court approval. They are obligated to minimize time and cost to the court, not extend it. They can do that today, if they choose. The judge would likely agree to whatever arrangements are brought before her. There is nothing whatsoever in our laws regarding re-homing a pet, which is a ridiculous extreme measure for a first time by-law conviction regarding an animal that has not caused serious injury to anyone, almost as extreme as euthanizing without medical or other justifiable circumstances.

    No, I clearly understand that the SPCA will kill animals when they feel it is justified...they do good work, but there are also many things that have been done (and not done) over the years that should've been to improve the lives of animals, and individual animals...

  13. LMAO the Prime Minister??? OMG that is funny. I would NEVER admit I knew him ( even if I did ). Shows how much you know ... not real bright are you? Go ahead and try to deflect on me. I am not the one who's dog is in a shelter and may die because I am an irresponsible owner.

    Oh and BTW, this is not MY blog. I was invited :) and is free to say what I know as facts and have my own opinion.

  14. Gail,you really are quite a sarcastic destructive individual with far too much time on your hands,Think how much good you could be to the community if you used your talents for GOOD instead of EVIL.
    GOD help you if you are ever placed in a similar situation.
    And someone takes someone you love
    I don't know how you sleep at night.
    Wake Up to yourself Love.....
    I write anonymous because your Toxic..

  15. Keep your comments coming. I have some time this morning to have a great laugh AT you.

    I sleep very well with my dogs by my side because I am a responsible owner. I do not have a dog that may be killed because of my actions / non actions. I don't care what you think of me because your opinion don't matter. I am not the one begging for a pat on the back because I was STUPID with my dogs. I am not the one lying to get donations to pay for lawyers but still not paying them. I am not the one who caused the SPCA to shut their door so that people have to be buzzed in because of death threats. I am not the one who was banned from the SPCA TWICE because of my attitude. I am not the one that broke every rule to see my dog that I profess to love so much which caused me to loose that right. There is so much more that this so called loving owner has done that shows the complete opposite. I am happy I am not like her. I feel sorry for you all for being so stupid. Sucks to be you. :) have a great day.

    I know I will with my dogs.

  16. Would be nice if your English was more grammatical and you learned how to spell. Might make you more convincing. Just a thought.

  17. Such a nice thought for you. Guess that's the only thing in your head... a thought. There isn't any room for much more. I am so sorry for you. I certainly hope your meds help.

  18. Looks like the nasty clan is out to play here because they have to be so nice in her group. I see they love to target Gail and Joan as if butter will melt in their mouths speel. What is the matter? You afraid of them because they speak the truth and don't bullshit people?

    I was a supporter until I watched the nastiness from the Brindi group. I also found to many holes in their so called truth. I got so bogged down with their endless emails about contacting this or that person. What they are doing is utter nonsense and I hope all the ones they have harassed , lied about sue the ass off them.

    So many people have contacted me about their crap. They are sick of them and the lies. Like me, they don't want this dog dead but they don't want to hear another word about Fran and her broken heart. There are times I actually wish the dog died just so I don't have to read another word about Fran. That is terrible for me to even feel that way and it is all because that group of people can't tell the truth and their total harassment. PATHETIC

  19. The law is the law, if you don't like the laws where you live or you're not prepared to abide by them...MOVE!!!!!!!

  20. Point of clarification:

    I never said Brindi actually attacked a person, just that Fran could be charged with owning a dog that attacks a person under the law. The bylaw is very loose in its definition of "attack". All a dog has to do is give the impression of threatening.

    Also, the court documents say nothing about the small dog aggressing at Brindi. Just that the owner picked her leashed dog up to keep him/her safe and was knocked over by Brindi.

  21. Mike Gilliam ucson, ArizonaTuesday, March 09, 2010

    Hey, Gail. I've read your posts. From what I can tell, you are the vicious POS here. I've followed this case for almost 2 years now. Frankly you need to get a life. Anyone who wallows in someone else's misfortune, like you do, needs their head examined.

  22. The only one I feel sorry for is BRINDI. I care less about anyone else in this case. You remember BRINDI right? The dog that has been locked up for so long?

    The only one who has had a misfortune and still do is BRINDI. But you go ahead and keep making this about the owner. Don't forget, while you are here attacking me and patting this owner on the back BRINDI is still in a shelter. You know... the DOG who coulda,shoulda,woulda been safe in a loving responsible home by now.

  23. QUOTE by Horrified: The SPCA was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be quiet

    Do you have proof of this?? If so post it, if not shut it.

    You know, this is really all out of hand....

    When is the BS going to stop?

    When is the owner going to step up and see the effects her actions have had on her dog and stop all this nonsense? When is she going to put Brindi's welfare first by making the hard decisions? When is the word selfless going to come into play??

    Now if you want to trow S**T comments at me go right ahead. I have no problem taking the piss when I know I speak the truth.

    I really can't wrap my mind around the ignorance related to this case.

    Come on People!!!!!!
