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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Desperate or Crazy or Both?

Funniest post on Dogkisser, a must read. Laughing is good for the soul and just about anything else you can think of.


  1. Everyone is wrong, the judge, the reporters, everyone! Now she is telling the paper how they should run their business. That's okay though, because she is going to set everyone straight.

  2. I read the post over in Joan's blog. OMG I broke the law.... I spoke to a man I never met before about his dog to whom I never even told who I was. But wait, it was a conspiracy meeting at the dog expo to hatch a plan against fran. To through another conspiritor into the mix, Jenn Richardson was with me and the three of us talked. Watch out Jenn, you are now the same as us. After all, you and I talked for a minute then Rick came and we talked then I left. I don't know what you both talked about so I can't say what trecherous plot you both worked out.

    OMG does that mean, Brenda, Mary , Betty, David, Mark, Sam, Terri,Jim, Nancy, Maureen and so many others that I talked to is also plotting? Seeing as I know them all, I guess in her mind they are also plotting. I wish when the judge told her in the case she brought against me that she would be ordered to get an assessment on herself. I think that is needed more then the dog.

  3. Oh PS.... from her words "Either there should be no comments or all comments should be allowed."

    Why can't people say anything on her blogs / web sites etc. Only ones that kiss her feet are allowed. If you ask a question she don't like you are booted from the group and or posts are deleted. Fine one to talk about ANYONE else.

  4. Fran keeps yapping she can't get any press,well I guess we know why,everytime they do an article on her she comes back with attacks,its no bloody wonder the press tries to stay away from her.
    I just love her statement that the Judge was lacking sufficent evidence,well I assume the Judge had enough evidence to convict her 3 times,the Judge also had enough evidence to toss out her application for a peace bond.
    WTF the woman doesn't get it,3 convictions and she still thinks that she is a responsible dog owner....BULL SHIT.
    Now in her opinion we are all a bunch of in breeds,seal killing,dog haters,Fran haters,rough rednecks and can you actually believe some of us have actually eaten KFC. Shit in her opinion we all going to Hell in a hand basket.
    This whole thing is beyond crazy,now I see that one of,"her special people" has threatened another blogger,I am beginning to wonder if any of her puppets has their head screwed on right.
    Now this redneck will go fry up some bacon and eggs for breakfast,and call some of my in breed relatives,and than go for a walk in my seal skin boots.....CHEERS....

  5. Desperation at its finest :(

  6. I'm going to hell in a rocket....wouldn't have it any other way and I've already called shot gun. I figure if your going to do anything you may as well get all you can out of it! :)P
