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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well I see that Fran on her Blog has posted what she thinks is threats,well I have read them all and I would have to disagree with her. Someone may or may not have reported her to NSPC for unsafe electrical hookup. Is that a threat I think not. However the one thing she probably doesn't realize is the person who reads her meter is required to report unsafe conditions. Therefore she can go blow smoke elsewhere.

Now the following was sent to me in my inbox,do I consider it a threat,Hell no. However I do consider the writer a bit more than unstable.

""""""MegaMinimouse has posted a comment on your profile:

What a pathetic excuse for a human being you are. The world would be a more pleasant place without mean spirited people like yourself - I hope you rot in hell for your nasty nature."""""""

Now guess what???? I did a profile search and it took me right to a picture of Fran herself. I will allow you all to come to your own conclusions.


  1. Were you caught with your hand in the cookie jar "FRAN"

  2. Yes, nasty people do hide behind computers, among other things...

  3. I guess that would include you then as well....we all have our own version of what nasty is now don't we. :)P

  4. Well if your referring to me, I am not a nasty person who hides behind her computer. I'd say the same thing to ppls faces that I say from my computer....

  5. why are none of the profiles of the authors of this blog available?

  6. Because its our blog anonymous, and its our choice, and I see you are anonymous;so whats your point??
