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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lets Adopt Canada RED FACED!

Day 10 on the "Let's Adopt Canada blog" has some illegal taping on it - but we here at the Dog Lovers blog aren't too worried about that - we're laughing too hard at what they're calling the tape that has HALIFAX red faced - really it's THEM who are red faced, when you actually listen to the tape that they made.

A lady, who sounds very sincere, and we are sure is very dedicated to this cause and has been completely bounddougled by the perpetrator of this debacle - has actually somehow managed to get through to Mary Ellen Donovan - the head of HRM Legal on the telephone.

Now, Mary Ellen Donovan isn't known as being very graceful - so the fact that she is being tactful and polite is actually quite amazing. She is known within her own department as being quite the hard taskmaster - so this lady was actually quite lucky.

But as you're listening to the tape - there comes a point when the lady from South Africa actually says - "So really, everybody who's worked really, really worked to offer some kind of support to this case has been completely wasting their time."

To which Mary Ellen Donovan replies - "I have no comment", and the lady from South Africa says "hmm, well that's very sad, I must say".

So at least one of Brindi's Angels seems to have finally gotten it, eh?


You can listen to the tape below - or if they dismantle the link - you can go to -



  1. The bigger question is, WILL THEY REALLY UNDERSTAND?

  2. Thanks for giving us a reason to live... you are going down.

  3. another entry from the english-gail dictionary: bounddougled?? is that like being bound by a guy called doug? what are you ON?

    at least you GET that m.e.d. is no pussycat...

    is there humane treatment of animals in HRM?: "no comment." don't lie and tell the world halifax is some paradise for animals when it sure ain't.

  4. Anonymous said...

    another entry from the english-gail dictionary: bounddougled?? is that like being bound by a guy called doug? what are you ON?

    at least you GET that m.e.d. is no pussycat...

    is there humane treatment of animals in HRM?: "no comment." don't lie and tell the world halifax is some paradise for animals when it sure ain't.

    Are you on crack? Must be.

  5. Not sure what kind of response she thought she was going to get out of a lawyer! lmao There's some forward thinking for ya!

  6. Hi Gail

    Re: "Fran Hit the Radio"

    This is the 'oh so moral law abiding citizen of South Africa' checking in. I've only just stumbled on your sweet little poison-pen blog (although I'm familiar with Joan's even more elevating 'dogkisser' self appreciation society blog) and I think it would be a great service to the supporters and opposers of Francesca and Brindi alike, if you spelt out exactly which of Francesca's statements on the radio were lies.

    I've made it my business to appraise myself of the real knowledge of the case by searching through objectively factual websites, such as http://www.123people.com/s/francesca+rogier, reading most of the articles in the press, the letters from the deputy mayor and the SPCA, most available reports, blogs, comments - for and against etc., etc., etc., - as well as some of the court transcripts themselves, as kindly suggested by Mary Ellen Donovan herself. So now is your chance to re-educate me and the public at large, specifically as to exactly how and where the story of the facts are once again changed, if indeed they ever were?

    Furthermore, I'm so glad you think it funny that people of sensitivity and a genuine selfless desire to right wrongs, no matter where they may be happening in the world, and to involve themselves in the prevention of cruelty to animals, are wasting their time!

    My response to Ms Donovan's "No Comment" was not that of one of Brindi's angel's 'waking up', it was a calculated inditement of the wantonly callous behaviour of all the responsible officials of the City of Halifax and their utter indifference to the Court of Public Opinion.

    Note to The Realist: I got exactly the response I was looking for.. passing the buck, denial, no comment and general high & mighty officialdom, whilst all the time sidestepping the heart of the issue. That's exactly what I wanted the public to hear for themselves, as I had already experienced in previous phone calls to the mayor's office.

    And all of you Dog Lovers (or definately 'NON' in my moral opinion) should get your legal facts straight: that phone recording was NOT illegal in terms of your own Canadian law! Refer to:



    Canadian law requires that at least one party in the phone call be aware of the recording.[1][2][3]"

    I was one of the parties in the phone call and I was aware of the recording.

    You are therefore obliged to publish a retraction of your libellous statement.

    I am not red-faced about anything at all in that phone call and neither I nor anyone in Let's Adopt Canada who uploaded it have any intention of ever dismantelling that link. In fact I have more calls planned and now that everyone knows I record them on Skype, I wonder who'll have the courage to speak to me online. For my part, I'll talk to anyone. My skype name is trish.malkoff.

    Last but not least, I think it's so sad that you only have 3 followers and Joan only has 49, but never fear, I will be publishing all of this to my Facebook Profile and Groups and copying Let's Adopt Groups round the world, so everyone can see for themselves the full extent of what it is Francesca and Brindi are up against in their fight for life, liberty and justice. However, you never know, maybe you'll find some friends and supporters of your own in your crusade against Francesca and Brindi. Good luck.

    In the meantime, please do not insult dogs by calling yourselves dog lovers and dogkissers.

  7. Hi Trish, I'm going to post the exact same thing I did to your exact same comment posted under the April column. Did you not get a response here and had to push a little more? lmao.

    I'm not sure how you can possibly declare that I am side stepping 'the issue' if you claim to have read everything. Did you read ALL my posts on this site? If so you couldn't possibly say I am side stepping anything. I'm just tired of repeating myself and yet again here I am doing it once more for you. 'the issue' IS and always has been that Brindi nor Fran never would have been put in this position had Fran just taken her first warning and stepped up as a 'law abiding' citizen as you so eloquently put it. As far as public opinion goes, I am not one to care about it. I tell it like it is and if you don't want to acknowledge that or take it for face value that's you prerogative but please don't be so conceited as to think you are speaking on behalf of the general public as you elude you are. Give me a break, not all of us are brainwashable!!
